
94% of respondents believe that voice security should be included in their organization’s cyber strategy and risk management program; 44% believe their organization lacks “adequate” voice security practices.

94% of respondents believe that voice security should be included in their organization’s cyber strategy and risk management program; 44% believe their organization lacks “adequate” voice security practices.

Voice-based attacks on organizations are on the rise and are becoming the preferred route for initial access with the proliferation of GenAI tools. At the same time, voice recognition remains an under-protected threat vector.

CHICAGO, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Mutare Inc., the market leader in voice security, today released the results of the 2024 VOffice Threat Surveyan annual initiative that provides insight into how technology and cybersecurity insiders, executives and experts view voice security.

Voice-based threats are rapidly increasing in scope, complexity and severity. And many of the recent high-profile security breaches can be traced back to social engineering or vishing (voice phishing). The 3rd yearly Survey on language threats seeks to understand how engineers and security professionals view voice as a threat vector and as an organizational asset (critical infrastructure) that must be protected and defended. The survey interviews cybersecurity and information technology professionals at the RSA and Cisco Live conferences to gain real insight into the prevailing views and opinions of those on the front lines of cybersecurity protection and defense. Where relevant, the survey compares current year responses to the previous year’s survey to gain insight into trends and changing attitudes toward voice security.

Insights from the Language Threat Survey 2024 Compared to last year’s survey, technology and cybersecurity professionals show increasing awareness and concern about voice-based threats. However, organizations are hesitant to incorporate voice into their cybersecurity programs, have limited knowledge of the latest enterprise-grade voice security technologies, and there is some confusion about internal ownership of voice protection and defense.

Critical findings from the Voice Threat Survey 2024 contain:

  • The biggest voice-based threats: scam calls, social engineering, vishing, GenAI-based attacks
  • 42% of respondents do not answer their business phone if they do not recognize the caller
  • 41% of respondents were unaware of the availability of technical solutions for voice security
  • 44% of respondents believe their company lacks “appropriate” language security practices
  • 94% of respondents believe that voice security should be included in their company’s cyber strategy and risk management program

“While it’s encouraging to see that survey respondents were more informed this year, in the cybersecurity space, inaction is punished,” said Colin Millstone, Chief Marketing Officer at Mutare. “We’ve seen a real increase in voice-based cyber threats over the past 12 months, leading to major cyberattacks at sophisticated large enterprises such as Change Healthcare, MGM, Caeser’s and others.”

With the rise in cyberattacks on publicly traded companies, a new wave of class action lawsuits has emerged that focus on “reasonable” cybersecurity measures. This year’s survey included questions that probed respondents’ understanding of “reasonable” practices and their application. The survey results show that companies continue to put themselves at significant financial risk by failing to understand and apply “reasonable” cybersecurity practices and protections for voice:

  • 43% of respondents were unaware that class action lawsuits focus on the failure of affected organizations to implement “appropriate” cybersecurity practices and defenses
  • 44% of respondents believe that their own organization lacks “appropriate” language security practices

“It’s an arms race,” said Millstone. “If you’re wondering if you’ve done enough, it’s probably too late. That’s a big reason why Mutare has pushed so hard to raise awareness about language security. The threat is real, and there are Are Effective, enterprise-grade solutions are now available to combat these threats.”

About Mutare
For three decades, Mutare has helped organizations imagine a better way to communicate. Today, with our groundbreaking voice security, digital voice and text messaging solutions, we make communicating with colleagues, customers and prospects easy, secure and effective. And that means more time and less stress for your employees, a more positive experience for your customers and improved business results for your company. Our forward-thinking leadership team is made up of dedicated, purposeful and experienced people who care about transforming business communications and improving the lives of others. Ultimately, we strive to make a difference for all of our stakeholders – team members, customers, partners and communities. We are changemakers committed to becoming the recognized leader in enterprise voice threat defense.

Media contact:
Colin Millstone
Marketing Manager
(314) 913-4238
(email protected)

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