
LSU students leverage the value of internships for career preparation

LSU students leverage the value of internships for career preparation

Internships can be critical to a college student’s career preparation because they provide valuable real-world experience, improve important skills, and build professional networks.

The LSU accompanies and supports students in their preparation for professional life and promotes internships to supplement academic knowledge with practical application in a professional environment.

At LSU, students can earn credits toward their major by participating in certain internships. For more information, students should speak with an academic advisor.

Questions and answers with LSU student interns

Internship search

LSU offers resources and opportunities to learn about internships, including career fairs, networking events, and a robust online career platform.

LSU resources for internship opportunities:

  • Employment agency: Connect to The LSU Career Center offers access to exclusive internship opportunities and assistance with the internship search, including help refining a resume or practicing interview skills.
  • Handshake: Check out Handshake, LSU’s modern online career platform that connects students and alumni with employers, job openings, career events and career resources.
  • Faculty and Advisors: Discuss your internship goals with professors and academic advisors to leverage their industry networks and gain insight into potential opportunities.
  • Career fairs and networking events:Be sure to attend one of LSU’s many virtual and in-person recruiting events. Attending career fairs and networking events can help students connect with employers who may have internship opportunities.

Where else you can look for internships:

  • Online job boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn and Glassdoor offer internship opportunities in various industries that can be filtered by location, area of ​​interest and duration.
  • Company websites: Many organizations post internship opportunities directly on their websites. Students can explore companies’ career or internship sections to discover opportunities that align with their career goals.

Questions and answers with Julia Palin

Portrait of Julia Palin with a fellow New England Patriots intern at the stadium

Flores MBA student will complete an internship with the New England Patriots in summer 2023

Why did you do this internship?

Working as a communications associate for the New England Patriots this summer was a dream come true for me, as I was born and raised in Massachusetts where we live and die for Patriots football. I did this internship to solidify my decision to pursue a career in NFL communications and the insights I gained were invaluable.

What were your tasks during your internship?

Duties included compiling clips of news reports about the team and ownership, responding to email inquiries and fan mail, assisting in the preparation of team rosters, pronunciation guides and other game-related documents, and preparing players for media availability with lists of likely questions and possible answers.

What did this internship bring you?

All in all, I feel incredibly blessed because this experience has shown me that working in NFL communications is truly what I want to do professionally. This summer, I got a taste of life in NFL communications and I can’t wait to dive deeper. (Palin planned to return to the Patriots as a seasonal communications associate after graduation.)

Learn more about Palin’s experience

Preparing for internships

Preparing for internships is important to improve your career prospects and gain valuable experience. LSU can help you in your internship search by assisting students:

  • Develop your personal brand: The resume and cover letter provide the first impression a student makes to potential employers and should be designed to highlight relevant courses, projects and extracurricular activities that demonstrate the student’s skills and qualifications.
  • Get involved in your community: Contact professors, alumni, and professionals in your desired field to inquire about internship opportunities and what to expect. Networking can often uncover hidden or unadvertised internships.
  • Network with companies: When you exchange a resume or business card with recruiters, you are actively building a network and making professional contacts.
  • Prepare for the interview: Once you’ve been scheduled for an interview, it’s important to prepare thoroughly. Research the company to understand its values, mission and industry. Practice common interview questions and come up with thoughtful answers that highlight your experience and skills. Dress professionally and arrive on time to make a positive impression.

Questions and answers with Anna Rathor

Amna Rathor presents her summer research at the LSU Health Sciences Center - New OrleansBiological Sciences student in the medical program, internship at LSU Health New Orleans Medical School in summer 2023

What were your tasks during your internship?

The aim of my research was to investigate possible markers to predict the progression of cervical dysplasia. The ultimate goal was to develop a home test that women could use to test themselves and identify the severity of their risk, leading to a better understanding of treatment options.

My job was to lead all aspects of my project, draw a conclusion, and answer my research question. My program included submitting an abstract and a poster, and presenting the poster to the judges.

What did this internship bring you?

Research has strengthened my education and goals. Being able to do research has encouraged me to continue pursuing my goal of studying medicine because through research you learn many aspects of medicine. As for my education, it has helped me understand the concepts and techniques I am learning in my current courses.

What advice do you have for LSU students who want to have a similar experience?

There are many ways to do research, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be within a program. Another way to get into research during the summer or even during the school year is to reach out to professors. Research is rewarding and can really improve your understanding of your interests.

Learn more about Rathor’s experience

Maximize the benefits of an internship

To make the most of your experience, it’s important to set goals for your internship. Before you start your internship, take some time to think about what you want to achieve, such as specific skills, industry experience, or networking opportunities.

By setting clear goals, you can tailor your internship to your needs and meaningfully advance your career goals. Additionally, internships allow students to explore different career paths and industries, leading to more informed decisions about their future.

Internships can serve as a stepping stone to future career opportunities. Think of your internship as an extended job interview and strive to make a positive impression. Demonstrate your skills, work ethic and professionalism to position yourself for potential job offers or referrals.

Take advantage of any training and development opportunities offered to you during your internship to improve your skills and increase your chances with employers.

You will also have the opportunity to develop important soft skills such as communication and teamwork while increasing your awareness of professional responsibility.

Employers often prefer applicants with relevant experience, and internships provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. By highlighting internship experience on their resume, students can stand out from other applicants and significantly improve their job prospects.

Questions and answers with Reagan Courville

Portrait of Reagan Courville

The mechanical engineering and French major is participating in the Department of Energy’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship 2024 program.

How did you get this internship?

Last summer, I worked at Langley Research Center with 15 other students from across the United States as part of the NASA Academy of 2023. My boss recommended that I look for opportunities at DOE’s national laboratories, as they offer a wealth of research experience.

What do you hope to achieve from this internship?

I hope to improve my skills in the area of ​​applicable mechanical design and optimization. The project I was selected for this summer has many parallels to the research I focused on at LSU, so of course I would like to come back with more knowledge that I can apply to the on-campus lab I work for (the Energy and Propulsion Lab under Dr. Shyam Menon).

Unlike last summer, I will not be working with other interns this summer, which will certainly be a challenge for me, but should be quite rewarding.

How did your experience at LSU help you get this internship?

My time as a student under Dr. Menon equipped me with the skills that qualify me for this opportunity. I most likely would not have gotten this position had I not gained experience with laser diagnostic techniques in this lab at LSU. The physics and machine design courses I took at LSU gave me a sufficient academic foundation to understand the processes and design of the Los Alamos project.

Learn more about Courville’s experience

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