
What happened to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s voice? Health problems explained

What happened to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s voice? Health problems explained

A renowned politician and lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.also known as RFK Jr., has attracted considerable attention on social media platforms as part of his bid for the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Amidst this rumor mill, RFK Jr.’s health issues have become a major topic of discussion online.

Here you will find information on all the issues related to RFK Jr.’s speaking voice that result in a croaky tone.

Why does Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s voice sound different?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a distinctive speaking voice due to spasmodic dysphonia.

According to The Conversation, this neurological condition causes the vocal cords to produce a more strained voice and become stiff, affecting a person’s ability to speak fluently. Although there is no cure, people diagnosed with this condition can receive Botox injections at regular intervals to provide short-term relief.

RFK Jr. discussed his health issue in a segment for his presidential campaign. RFK Jr. described his struggle with spasmodic dysphonia to MedPage Today: “It’s kind of an interesting form of hoarseness — a kind of choppy way of speaking, like with very sharp syllables — and it’s often because they have trouble controlling the way they speak, and it sounds like a strained and strangled sound.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, RFK Jr. spoke about his health problems in an interview, saying he felt sorry for “the people who have to listen to him.” He added, “My voice doesn’t really get tired. It just sounds awful. But the injury is neurological, and the more I use my voice, the stronger it gets.”

Despite this challenge, he continues to speak publicly and advocate for his causes. His sustained efforts in the face of his illness underscore his commitment to his political and social endeavors.