
Rotary Club honors 185th Air Refueling Squadron with Key Way Award

Rotary Club honors 185th Air Refueling Squadron with Key Way Award

SIOUX CITY (KTIV) – The Rotary Club of Sioux City honored the 185th Air Refueling Wing with a special award.

Colonel Sonya Morrison accepted the Key Way Award on behalf of the 185th. The Rotary Club presents the award to organizations or individuals it believes have a significant impact and effect in Sioux City. The members of the 185th were surprised by the honor.

“When an awardee comes to us, we try to surprise them. We don’t tell them they’re actually getting the award before they come,” said Heather Hennings, president of United Way of Siouxland. “But we want our members to really understand the impact they’re making. So to have them come in and speak and then tell them they’re going to receive an award just reinforces why we’re giving them the award.”

The 185th has continually grown and modernized its facilities over the years. During this time, the 185th is focused on replacing the existing runway with a longer one that is better suited to the missions of its KC-135 tanker aircraft.

In fact, the 185th Regiment looks for every opportunity to improve the community.

“It’s a good feeling to know that the community appreciates them and their work and all the work and effort that they put in because that’s what they love to do right. They love doing their job, they love accomplishing their mission. So I really appreciate that, it was a nice surprise,” said Col. Sonya Morrison, 185th ARW Wing commander.

Col. Morrison said she was honored to accept the award on behalf of the nearly 1,000 members of the 185th Regiment.