
Kim Gordon is not a “fan” of Taylor Swift, she prefers Billie Eilish

Kim Gordon is not a “fan” of Taylor Swift, she prefers Billie Eilish

Kim Gordon prefers Billie Eilish to Taylor Swift
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Legendary rocker Kim Gordon didn’t shy away from sharing her thoughts on some of the biggest names in music, including familiar faces like Taylor Swift And Billie Eilish.

When 71-year-old former Sonic Youth bassist Gordon was asked about her “most controversial opinion in pop culture,” she had an answer ready.

“I don’t know if it’s controversial, but I’m not a big fan of Taylor Swift,” Gordon said The guard in an interview published on Wednesday, July 17. “I couldn’t really tell you what their music sounded like.”

Instead, Gordon noted that she has another favorite artist. “When it comes to pop icons, I would choose Billie Eilish,” she told the outlet.

The story of Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift 840 2024

Related: Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish’s relationship over the years

Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish, both precocious child prodigies who became global, Grammy-winning pop superstars, have a long history together. Swift and Eilish, who released their debut albums at ages 16 and 17 respectively, have frequently celebrated each other’s successes in the industry. Swift even passed the baton to Eilish for the 2019 Billboard hits (…)

When Gordon arrived in February The guardshe shouted to 34-year-old Swift.

“Of course I write in a diary, just like Taylor Swift,” she said. “But you know, I don’t write about sad things. Well, I guess a little sad. There’s something powerful about that kind of writing. It’s something you can do right now.”

Kim Gordon prefers Billie Eilish to Taylor Swift
Rune Hellestad – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

The singer-songwriter, who released The collective At the beginning of the year, she hesitated when asked if she would be the opening act for the Epoch Tour Artist.

“I don’t know. Because I don’t think their audience would like that. It has to fit a little bit,” she told the outlet. “Even when Sonic Youth with Neil Youngit was really hard to see the hippies sitting there giving you the middle finger.”

Taylor Swift Timeline

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Taylor Swift began writing songs about love and breakups in the early 2000s, but her talent was soon recognized by music executives who knew she was the one. From releasing her first record in 2006 to performing all over the world, this star has earned her place in the Hollywood music scene. (…)

Gordon noted that she recently sat on a plane to Utah with Swift fans wearing her merchandise. “I like that a lot,” she said. “I think I would just take a sweatshirt.”

Gordon’s comments on Wednesday aren’t the first time Swift and Eilish, 22, have been compared. In fact, the two have long overlapped.

At Billboard’s Women In Music 2019, Swift presented Eilish with the Woman of the Year award. (Swift had previously received the award in 2011 and 2014.)

When Swift accepted the award in 2014, she referred to the younger generation of musicians – and later remembered this line when introducing Eilish, who was also a world-famous musician before her 18th birthday.

“My exact quote during that speech was, ‘I really feel like we need to continue to try to provide something for a younger generation of musicians, because somewhere, your future Woman of the Year is probably sitting in a piano lesson or in a girls’ choir right now,'” Swift said in 2019. “‘And today, right now, we need to take care of her.'”

She continued, “I have since learned that at that exact time, an 11-year-old girl in California was actually taking piano lessons and was in the girls’ choir. This year, at the age of 17, she was named Woman of the Year. Her name is Billie.”

However, Eilish made headlines earlier this year when her fans thought she was attacking Swift for her “lavish” packaging. Eilish clarified the matter in April, noting that she didn’t mean to “single anyone out.”