
Striving for peace and justice with love and conscience

Striving for peace and justice with love and conscience

Tai Ji Men Dizi promote a culture of conscience, love and peace throughout the world. They also demand an end to the tax oppression they face.

by Joyce Huang*

*A paper presented at the international conference CESNUR 2024, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France, 12 June 2024.

Striving for peace and justice with love and conscience
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I am currently in my second year studying Digital Technology Design at National Taipei University of Education. In addition to my studies, I am also a Tai Ji Men Dizi (student).

The world is in chaos and people are feeling uncertain. Following the impact of the pandemic, various regions of the world have been affected by wars, extreme weather anomalies, earthquakes, forest fires and other natural and man-made disasters in recent years.

People seem to have become accustomed to disasters, yet every time such an event occurs, they are filled with fear and unease. This feeling permeates society and creates an atmosphere of negativity and depression.

“How can I use the digital knowledge I have acquired to help the world?” I often ask myself this question. As an information technology student, I am aware of the responsibility to apply digital technologies to address current challenges. The advancing age of digital technology reminds us to continuously encourage innovative ideas and positive curiosity in order not to be left behind.

In my role as a Dizi in an ancient Qigong and martial arts menpai (similar to a school), my Shifu (grandmaster) has taught me valuable lessons. I have learned to grow internally, develop self-awareness and care for the world around me, as well as to see the world and care for others from a different perspective.

My Shifu, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, the head of Tai Ji Men, tells us: “Each of us is a small seed that gradually grows into a big tree. When these trees come together, they form a forest.” When we sincerely pray for the Earth, positive energy spreads, affecting the entire planet and changing the fate of countless beings.

I feel fortunate to have experienced the growth and enlightenment that Shifu has imparted to us Dizi. I have also become aware of the challenges that spiritual communities face in terms of freedom of religion, belief and thought.

Freedom of religion and belief and freedom of thought are an essential part of human dignity. They encompass individual autonomy, diversity, inclusivity, peaceful coexistence, equal treatment, freedom of expression and protection of rights. These rights ensure that everyone can freely choose, practice and express their faith, which promotes an open, tolerant and diverse society.

In August last year (2023) our Shifu led us to actively participate in the 130th The World Parliament of Religions was held in Chicago, representing the ideals of love, peace and conscience. The event brought together representatives from 95 countries and different faiths, including over 210 groups and more than 8,200 participants from five continents. The general theme was “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights.”

Dr. Hong (right) and Bitter Winter Editor-in-Chief Massimo Introvigne (left) with Tai Ji Men Dizi at the 130th World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, August 16, 2023.Dr. Hong (right) and Bitter Winter Editor-in-Chief Massimo Introvigne (left) with Tai Ji Men Dizi at the 130th World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, August 16, 2023.
Dr. Hong (right) and “Bitter Winter” editor-in-chief Massimo Introvigne (left) with Tai Ji Men Dizi at the 130thth Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago, August 16, 2023.

Tai Ji Men also participated in the pre-parliamentary “Parade of Faiths.” Performers presented celestial animals symbolizing love and peace, including the Tai Chi dragon, phoenix, unicorn and auspicious lion, as well as the Eight Immortals and Heavenly Officials of the Taoist tradition.

During the procession, local residents gathered on both sides of the road to watch. I was dressed as a peacock and looked an elderly lady in the eyes. I nodded politely and smiled at her and she touched her breast. Tears welled up in her eyes, clearly showing her excitement. At that moment, I was deeply moved by the impact my role had on her and I was touched in return.

I realized the power of a smile, how it could reach people’s hearts and instantly bridge the distance between us. It was a mutual, heartfelt exchange of love.

Through my Shifu, I learned that the concept of conveying love and peace knows no barriers or limitations of language, culture, race or color. With genuine sincerity, a simple smile and words, we can feel the warmth of each other. Love knows no boundaries.

During the Parliament session, Tai Ji Men also organized a ceremony entitled “Global Prayer for World Peace” and invited numerous distinguished guests to ring the Bell of World Peace and Love, which symbolizes love and peace for the world.

Nitin Ajmera, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the World Parliament of Religions, also rang the bell and congratulated Tai Ji Men on the ceremony. He expressed the wish: “May the vibration of the bell resonate in all our hearts to create a world full of love, compassion and gratitude for all.”

Nitin Ajmera rings the bell of world peace and love, Chicago, August 16, 2023.Nitin Ajmera rings the bell of world peace and love, Chicago, August 16, 2023.
Nitin Ajmera rings the bell of world peace and love, Chicago, August 16, 2023.

At the end, all participants, who represented more than a dozen different religions and spiritual traditions, hugged their neighbors and, visibly moved, prayed together for world peace.

The Shifu brothers and sisters of Tai Ji Men have traveled to five continents, visited over one hundred countries, and participated in over 3,000 national and international cultural performances to promote love, peace and conscience and to carry Taiwan to the world.

As mentioned by several speakers, despite these positive contributions, Tai Ji Men has faced ongoing oppression and persecution by the National Tax Administration. This includes the unjustified auction and nationalization of our sacred land in Miaoli and the prohibition on the disposal of the Swiss Villa near Taipei, which was intended for Dizi’s physical and spiritual development. It took nearly 24 years for the government to return the villa. It now lies in ruins, testifying to the impact of authoritarian remnants on human rights.

I remember the day of the Miaoli land auction, which I also attended. We held banners and signs and loudly demanded that the police bring in the officials responsible to listen to the people’s complaints, but they did not come. I do not understand how a few unscrupulous officials can so brazenly take over the entire government and ignore the people’s appeals. This is truly outrageous. They have not only sold Tai Ji Men’s land; they have also sold Taiwan’s democracy, rule of law and national dignity!

Tai Ji Men protests in TaiwanTai Ji Men protests in Taiwan
Tai Ji Men protests in Taiwan.

It is astonishing that in free and democratic Taiwan, government officials still disregard court rulings, ignore due process, abuse people’s tax rights, and deprive citizens of their freedom to choose and practice their preferred spirituality. I am deeply disappointed by the flawed tax system and dysfunctional administrative policies in this country where I grew up.

Finally, we hope that our calls for justice will be heard by the Taiwanese government and that it will correct its mistakes. May conscience education take root in people’s hearts, spread love, tolerance and care, and create a world of sustainable development, peace and unity. We also hope that the human rights violations against Tai Ji Men will soon be punished.