
Women’s protest: Netanyahu leaves hostages to die – Israel News

Women’s protest: Netanyahu leaves hostages to die – Israel News

“Captured alive – left to die,” said the protest organization “Women’s Protest for the Return of the Hostages” on Monday in response to the Israeli army’s announcement of the deaths of hostages Yagev Buchshtab and Alexander Dancyg in Hamas captivity.

“We are not prepared to wait until there is no one left to save. We will not allow the prime minister to continue to abandon the hostages to their deaths,” the organization said, calling on Israelis to join a protest planned for Tuesday evening.

The protest organization The Day After also called for a silent protest in Jerusalem on Monday evening in response to the news of the hostages’ deaths.

“It is heartbreaking. Alexander Dancyg and Yagev Buchshtab could have been at home with their families now. Not only did they endure hell on earth, they also died in captivity,” the women’s protest said.

“120 hostages are still in Gaza. Today we were reminded that they are not only enduring hell on earth, but are also dying in captivity, contrary to what the Prime Minister said,” they added.

“Only an immediate settlement will bring back the living for rehabilitation and the dead for a proper burial.”

The organization also quoted released hostage Almog Meir Jan, who told Uvda that if he were to meet with Netanyahu now, with a hostage deal on the table and rumors circulating that Netanyahu might torpedo it for political reasons, he would ask Netanyahu to look him in the eye and tell him that Netanyahu’s goal was worth the hostage.

When asked what he would say to those who claim that the war cannot end until Hamas is destroyed, even if the price is giving up the hostages, Jan told Uvda that these people had probably not experienced the war and captivity personally.

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The Hostage Families Forum responded to the announcement of the deaths by saying: “This morning’s terrible news is further proof of the urgency of retrieving the hostages who are in immediate, life-threatening danger at any moment in the Hamas hell.”

“Their deaths show the sad significance of delaying tactics in the negotiations. We once again call on the government and the person at its head: immediately approve Netanyahu’s deal and return the 120 hostages.”

The Hope Forum, a forum of some of the hostages’ families who advocate for increased military pressure against Hamas and against a hostage deal, expressed its condolences to the families and said the “shocking murder of the hostage in captivity shows who we are dealing with. After raping, murdering and brutally killing on Simchat Torah, they continue to mistreat our hostages in the Gaza Strip.”

It is unclear whether Dancyg and Buchshtab were killed by Hamas in captivity or as a result of actions by the Israeli armed forces, the Israeli army said on Monday.

“We call on the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the military leadership to continue to put pressure on Hamas so that we can return all the hostages as soon as possible.”

“They have no time and only aggressive military pressure will bring the return of our children and the remaining hostages closer,” the forum said.