
Media twists Israeli retaliatory strike against Houthi targets and calls it an “attack”

Media twists Israeli retaliatory strike against Houthi targets and calls it an “attack”

There is a problem with the way Israel’s retaliation for the Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv is being reported on. It is eerily similar to the way Gaza was covered – legitimizing a terror group and omitting important context.

Some publications, such as the outspoken UPI, chose as the headline for their Sunday article Israel’s retaliatory strike against a Houthi military target in the city of Hodeidah that is used to smuggle Iranian weapons. an attack.” This was obviously not a random attack.

UPI reporter Adam Schrader The article covers a wealth of Houthi reactions and propaganda, such as this one:

Yemen’s official Ministry of Public Health and Population condemned the Israeli aggression against Yemen, targeting civilian facilities in Hodeidah.

Why did he fail to provide information about the more than 220 missiles and drones the Houthis have attempted to fire towards Israel over the past nine months? Or the blockade and piracy of cargo ships on the peninsula? Or the attacks by Britain and the US on the Houthis in recent months?

Or how about the latest and most obvious piece of information to mention: that the Houthis attacked a residential building in downtown Tel Aviv, killing one person and wounding 10 others? Not to mention providing context and clarity about Israel’s Answernot a random attack on the infrastructure of the Yemeni port, where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that the Houthis receive and store weapons from Iran.

No. None of that. It’s just about stroking the egos of the Houthis and Hamas.

Others, such as the Associated Press, provide superficial reporting from Sanaa, Yemen, interviewing just one person about their reaction to the Israeli attack on the Houthi-controlled port and then claiming that the entire population of Sanaa condemns the attack on the rebel group that has been causing suffering throughout the country for years.

In a live broadcast on Sunday, ABC News also used the words of a presenter in which the attack was aimed at the Arabian Peninsula in general:

This is a potentially inflammatory phrase, as it claims that Israel “attacked several Houthi targets in the Arabian Peninsula,” without specifying that the attack was directed at Yemen’s port. Although Yemen’s port is not on the peninsula, this is an extremely vague term that could be interpreted by observers as if Israel had attacked everywhere.

As the media continues to report on this new development between Israel and the Houthis in Yemen, they should stick to the facts and not twist history into a biased and unfortunately all too familiar narrative that Israel is a savage aggressor.

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