
Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 interim report

Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 interim report

We’re halfway through the fourth and final season of Power Book II: Ghost, and when the series returns, there will be a lot of things to wrap up.

We have corrupt cops and broken families, and Tariq’s quest for revenge has only just begun.

This means that these five episodes in September should provide more excitement as there is a lot of story in them.

Power Book II: Ghost, Season 4, Episode 1: I Don't Die That Easily
(Courtesy of STARZ)

Since we still have some time before we dive into those final hours, let’s look back at what we’ve gotten so far in this split fourth season.

And the results were mixed, to say the least.

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After reviewing the testimony, be sure to post any thoughts you may have in the comments.

Best Character – Dru stands for business

Dru Listens - PG S04E05 - Ego Death - Power Book II: GhostDru Listens - PG S04E05 - Ego Death - Power Book II: Ghost
(Courtesy of STARZ)

Dru Tejada has come a long way since the guy we met in season one who had one foot outside the family.

Dru was struggling with his position in the family business, and after he and Diana betrayed Monet, he was determined to see her go at the beginning of the season.

It was a little shocking to hear him so explicitly wish for his mother to die, but he has a lot of pain, resentment and anger that has been building up inside him since childhood.

Various flashbacks shed light on the Tejada family and show how Monet introduced her children to the drug trade at a very young age, when they didn’t know anything better than to follow their mother’s instructions.

But they are no longer children, and Dru has set out on his own. He refuses to give in to Monet’s wishes or demands. Instead, he has put himself first and put his own needs first.

This is a new side to Dru, and it is welcome because he has not given in and still wants to be part of the family, but not on anyone else’s terms.

Worst character – Noma lacks bite

Noma & Cane – PG S04E03 – Birthright – Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 3Noma & Cane – PG S04E03 – Birthright – Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 3
(Courtesy of STARZ)

I’m sorry to say this, but Noma is not the fearsome villain she makes herself out to be. Aside from killing Obi, which was necessary for her since he proved to be disloyal, Noma wasn’t nearly as threatening as she was in her first appearance.

Maybe it’s because Mecca’s death triggered the righteous anger she felt in her first appearance, and now that that’s all behind her, her motives aren’t as obvious or important.

So far, Tariq has been superior to her with weapons and has been able to achieve success with her daughter.

She has allowed herself to be seduced by both Cane and Davis, which, while understandable, will most likely prove disastrous in the end.

See also: Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 5 Review: Ego Death

The villains in the Power universe don’t always hit hard, but they have their moments here and there.

Noma has had her moments, but now that we’re nearing the end of the series, there’s nothing about the way she’s currently portrayed or the steps she’s taking that makes me believe Tariq and co. won’t end up one step ahead of her.

Best Action – Tariq activates Predator Mode

Tariq Outside – PG S04E02 – To Yourself – Power Book II: Ghost, Season 4, Episode 2Tariq Outside – PG S04E02 – To Yourself – Power Book II: Ghost, Season 4, Episode 2
(Courtesy of STARZ)

Power Book II: Ghost has always been Tariq’s story, and he continues to be the best part of it. And isn’t that a wild statement after watching him on Power for many seasons and lamenting how annoying he can be at times?

This series has helped make Tariq a fully developed character. The more we know him, the more we understand his motivations, what drives him, and why he has become the man he is.

Tariq was just betrayed and started the season with Brayden as his only confidant. He is fighting to get back everything he lost, although he never gave up.

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Has Tariq made any mistakes so far?

Yes, he always seems to do that. But he’s preparing to take revenge on everyone who has wronged him, and that’s by far the most exciting thing this final season has to offer.

Love him or hate him, this is his story, and Michael Rainey Jr.’s performance remains one of the best on television.

Worst Plot – Detective Carter and his colleagues are corrupt cops… Oh dear!

Detective Carter On The Move – PG S04E05 – Ego Death – Power Book II: MindDetective Carter On The Move – PG S04E05 – Ego Death – Power Book II: Mind
(Courtesy of STARZ)

The role of Detective Don Carter, Michael Ealy, was highly anticipated and Ealy delivers an excellent performance as always, but the character and his storyline have been decidedly disappointing so far.

When Paz went to Carter at the end of Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 1, everything was going well for Tariq to become a REAL threat in the final hours of the series.

And Carter immediately went into overdrive, questioning Davis, Tariq, and even Monet in his quest to get them all to turn on each other. But nothing worked, and as the episodes went on, he seemed doomed to follow in the footsteps of every power cop who came before him.

That he and his task force are up to dirty business was surprising and certainly a shocking revelation, but it also felt out of place. First of all, we don’t know enough about Carter (or anyone on his team) for it to be more than a passing surprise.

While it may be interesting to see how this affects Monet and Dru, I’m much more interested in the outcome of Tariq’s battle against the Tejadas than in corrupt cops.

Best Episode – Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 3

In Search of a Connection – PG S04E03 – Birthright – Power Book II: Ghost, Season 4, Episode 3In Search of a Connection – PG S04E03 – Birthright – Power Book II: Ghost, Season 4, Episode 3
(Courtesy of STARZ)

Everything about the third episode of the season felt like Power Ghost in its classic form: the action flowed, the storylines moved forward, and Tariq and Brayden led the hour.

Tariq and Brayden tried to live a normal life for a few days before deciding that wasn’t for them. Then they started a new business venture and brought in Davis to get their foot in the door.

But it wasn’t enough to get through the door, and it was nice to see Tariq use his instincts and intelligence to get what he wanted in the end. He doesn’t like to hear it, but there are certain situations where he is the spitting image of his father.

See also: Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Birthright

The best part of the episode occurred during another explosive Tejada family dinner, where Dru and Diana officially faced off against Cane and Monet.

They easily could have dragged out Dru and Diana’s duplicity until later in the season.

The early reveal, however, changed the family’s trajectory and set many different storylines in motion. It wasn’t a flawless hour, but it was by far the one that stood out the most.

Overall grade – B-

Dorm Reunion - PG S04E04 - The Reckoning Dorm Reunion - PG S04E04 - The Reckoning
(Courtesy of STARZ)

I would be lying if I said this half of the season was fantastic, as it certainly wasn’t as compelling as others.

But Power Book II: Ghost is and always will be a must-have.

Tariq and Brayden fighting one second and protecting each other the next will never get old, nor will the perverse dysfunction of the Tejada family.

There could have been more action and the lack of surprises was unexpected, but given their track record so far, it’s safe to hope they’ll end things on a satisfactory note.

The build-up to the ending may not have been overwhelming, but the first five episodes still had a lot to offer. And there was more to look forward to.