
It’s Eden Golan! Star-struck Israel tour meets Eurovision singer on the way to Tel Aviv

It’s Eden Golan! Star-struck Israel tour meets Eurovision singer on the way to Tel Aviv

More than 400 Jewish teenagers are currently on youth group tours through Israel and experiencing this important rite of passage.

By the end of this summer, Bnei Akiva, Ezra Youth, FZY, Habonim Dror, Sinai and Tribe, with support from UJIA Israel Experience, will have sent a total of 500 sixteen-year-olds from across the UK to experience Israel.

A special highlight for Bnei Akiva Group 4 was meeting Israeli Eurovision star Eden Golan on their flight to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.

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Golan was returning from her live performance at Letters, Light & Love: London in London, which raised £960,000 for the UJIA campaign to rebuild kindergartens in Kibbutz Be’eri.

The excited group told Eden about her support for them at the Eurovision Song Contest and she expressed her admiration for the group’s trip to Israel.

Every Israel tour group this summer includes a visit to the hostage site in Tel Aviv, where participants can process the events of October 7 and join the calls for the immediate and safe release of all hostages. Participants have met families of terror victims and learned more about their stories.

Adam Waters, Director of UJIA Israel Experience, said: “We at UJIA Israel Experience are proud that the Israel Tour is taking place despite the challenges and that 500 young people are having a positive and exciting experience in Israel.

“This year’s tour is a profound and powerful educational experience that brings us closer to and enhances our connection with Israeli civil society. The youth movement’s madrichim trained by UJIA ensure that this is a hugely meaningful experience for Britain’s future community leaders, helping to deepen their connection to Israel and strengthen their Jewish identity.”

Bnei Akiva Group 4 meets Israeli Eurovision star Eden Golan on their flight. Photo: UJIA

In addition to the Israel tour, more than 120 young people ages 18 to 26 have already come to Israel this summer as part of the UJIA-supported Taglit Birthright Israel trips, and more will participate in Onward Israel internships.

  • This year, more than 15% of the participants in the Israel tour will receive financial support from the UJIA.