
‘No further action’: Travis Scott’s lawyer claims rapper was arrested due to ‘misunderstanding’

‘No further action’: Travis Scott’s lawyer claims rapper was arrested due to ‘misunderstanding’

Key Highlights

  • Travis Scott was arrested at the Miami Beach Marina

  • Scott’s lawyer said there was no physical altercation

Travis Scott, the famous rapper, was arrested in Florida on Thursday, June 21. The charges against him include drunk driving and trespassing after a warning. The arrest took place at around 1:44 a.m. at the Miami Beach Marina.

Police were called to the area regarding a fight on board a yacht. Upon arrival, they discovered Scott shouting at the people on the yacht. Officers noticed an overwhelming odor of alcohol on Mr. Travis and his unstable demeanor. He was asked to leave but returned, which led to his arrest.

Statement from the lawyer

Scott’s attorney, Bradford Cohen, quickly addressed the situation. The attorney noted that his client had been held up due to a misunderstanding when he restated it. He also took the time to thank everyone for any help offered to resolve this issue in a short amount of time.

He also added that it prevented a physical attack by Scott that could have caused serious harm to him or others involved in the matter. According to sources, Scott’s arrest was only a minor event, such as a traffic ticket. His bail was set at $650.

This incident occurred nearly a year after a Texas grand jury declined to indict Scott in the 2021 Astroworld Festival tragedy, which resulted in 10 deaths and many injuries due to stampedes, among other things.

Earlier, his attorney, Kent Schaffer, had mentioned how pleased he was with the verdict, saying that Travis had no role in this disaster that killed so many people and injured many others. This attorney pointed out that the blame lies with people like the organizers and construction workers, and not with my defendant himself.

Current activities

Scott’s arrest came during the Utopia-Circus Maximus tour of Europe to promote the 2023 Utopia album. He also has performances scheduled in the Netherlands on June 28 and 30. Scott also released a new single with DJ Mustard on June 21 titled “Parking Lot.” The song will be featured on his upcoming album Faith of a Mustard Seed, which is set to be released on July 26.

However, Scott’s career remains unaffected by the recent arrests. His lawyer’s statements and the charges against him suggest that this is just one of those incidents that will not have any long-term impact. Therefore, fans can expect Scott to continue touring and releasing new music as planned.