
Jeannie Gaffigan breathes independently and finds her voice again 3 months after a shocking brain tumor operation

Jeannie Gaffigan breathes independently and finds her voice again 3 months after a shocking brain tumor operation

In May Comedy Writer Jeannie Gaffigan She spoke to PEOPLE about the frightening discovery that she had a tumor the size of an apple wrapped around her brain stem. Gaffigan – who is married to comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan – underwent a nine-hour surgery on April 18 to have the tumor removed.

Although her recovery was successful, Gaffigan’s journey was not easy: before she could return home, she battled aspiration pneumonia and was unable to swallow due to neck paralysis, which led to the placement of a feeding tube and a tracheostomy.

Now, three months later, Gaffigan reports on her progress and her new joy in life.

It has been three months since my brain surgery. The recovery has been long and slow, and patience is not one of my strong points, but not a minute goes by that I am not grateful for what I have.

In some ways, it’s a shame that it takes a near-death experience to make us appreciate all the little things we take for granted in our lives. I’ve spent the last month surrounded by friends and family who have been there for me in my darkest and most terrifying hours.

Now that the tracheostomy is removed, I find myself putting my hand to my throat several times a day and can’t believe I can now breathe without an oxygen tank. The surgery has temporarily paralyzed my throat and swallowing is almost impossible.

I still have the food plug in my stomach, but for the last few weeks I’ve managed not to eat anything by mouth for fear of aspiration (and a return of the double pneumonia that kept me in intensive care for two weeks), and can now consume small amounts of water, nectar-thick liquids, and now finally purees! By the way, you can puree almost anything – and that’s what I did.

As my cranial nerves came back to life, I developed a new appreciation for everything. Every moment is a gift from God.

From left: Katie, 8, Michael, 6, Jeannie, Patrick, 4, Jack, 11, Jim and Marre, 13From left: Katie, 8, Michael, 6, Jeannie, Patrick, 4, Jack, 11, Jim and Marre, 13

From left: Katie, 8, Michael, 6, Jeannie, Patrick, 4, Jack, 11, Jim and Marre, 13

My love for my (five children), which once seemed limitless, has multiplied a thousandfold, as has my love for Jim. The wedding vows “in sickness and in health” have become more than just words, and I am inspired every day by the strength and courage of the man who held it all together during this hurricane caused by the brain tumor.

RELATED VIDEO: Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan discuss diagnosis and surgery for their life-changing brain tumor

I dodged a bullet and my life will never be the same again. Don’t wait for the hurricane to come save your family and friends and find the blessing and glory in every detail. Do it now.