
Hamas at a ‘turning point’ in Gaza war after Israel uncovers significant intelligence resources

Hamas at a ‘turning point’ in Gaza war after Israel uncovers significant intelligence resources

In recent days, combat teams under the command of the 99th Division found large quantities of weapons hidden in a high-rise building and in the apartment of a terrorist in the heart of Gaza City.

Combat teams from the 3rd Brigade, the 8th Brigade, the Commando Brigade and the Multidimensional Unit were deployed in the Gaza City area last week. The troops searched and raided an area used by Hamas to rebuild its military capacity inside the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City.

During the operation, the soldiers searched buildings where Hamas terrorists were staying, including a building in a civilian neighborhood where a Hamas terrorist had barricaded himself. During the search, the troops discovered weapons, ammunition, Hamas naval commando equipment, military vests, rifles and intelligence materials.

IDF soldiers discover equipment, weapons and ammunition belonging to the Hamas command in Gaza City, July 20, 2024. (Photo: IDF)

The Israel Defense Forces said troops from the 99th Division eliminated more than 150 terrorists, destroyed about 100 terrorist infrastructure sites and located an underground weapons workshop last week.

On Saturday evening, the Israeli Air Force destroyed a building that had been used by the Elkahira company since the beginning of the war. The Israeli Air Force said the company had used the building to store and transfer large amounts of money to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, as well as to carry out terrorist activities.

The Israeli forces also beat and killed Hamas activist Tahsin Elandim, who worked for the company “Elkahira” among others. In his role at “Elkahira”, Tahsin transferred funds to the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, including the military wing of Hamas.

As the Israeli military has carried out an increasing number of intelligence-based operations in recent months, notably killing several high-ranking Hamas leaders, Israeli politicians say they are witnessing a “turning point” in the war against Hamas.

Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said in an interview with Reshet Bet on Sunday morning about the possibility of an impending hostage deal: “Hamas has given in and is now ready to do things it was not prepared for before.”

During the war, the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet uncovered large amounts of Hamas intelligence resources, including documents, computers and digital files, allowing them to better understand Hamas’s internal structure and its war aims.

A senior security official with access to the intelligence told The Jerusalem Post: “The amount of information that has accumulated so far in the hands of the Shin Bet and military intelligence allows us to crush Hamas from within.”

Intelligence indicates that Hamas is transforming its military wing from a collection of fighters into an organized army.

The Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet found extensive equipment records, meeting minutes, and notes of discussions between senior and junior officers.

A military official told the Washington Post: “Hundreds and thousands of interrogations of terrorists and senior politicians would not have revealed such detailed information about their command and organizational methods in such a short period of time.”

Officials found documents showing Hamas plans to operate quietly in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Europe and the United States, with plans tailored to each country.

Some of the seized documents revealed corruption within Hamas and its links to aid organizations. The apartments of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) were registered in the name of the wife of Hamas military leader Mohammed Deif.

According to military intelligence, the apartments of Muhammad Sinwar, the brother of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, were provided by UNRWA and rented to Palestinians. Documents were also found proving that Hamas members work for UNRWA.

They also found that over 150 pickup trucks and over 350 Chinese motorcycles used in the October 7 attacks were apparently smuggled through the tunnels connecting Egypt and Gaza under the Philadelphia Corridor.

50-meter-deep and four-kilometer-long Hamas tunnel uncovered by Israeli soldiers (Photo: IDF)

Retired Lt. Col. Amit Yagur, a former senior official in the Israel Defense Forces’ Planning Department and Naval Intelligence, recently told Maariv that the war against Hamas is changing.

“We are now at a turning point in the election campaign,” Yagur told Maariv. “Hamas is neither defeated nor has it retreated, but it is clear that its position is changing.”

Yagur said Hamas used to be in a position of power but now appears to be in a weaker position due to military pressure.

In his opinion, the protracted war has “caused serious damage to Hamas’ human and other resources,” particularly through the takeover of the Philadelphia route. He said: “It was a serious mistake that we did not take it over in January.”

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