
How the change of signs of the Sun and Mercury affects the love horoscopes from July 22 to 28, 2024

How the change of signs of the Sun and Mercury affects the love horoscopes from July 22 to 28, 2024

Love, like an arrow, always finds a way to reach the heart of things. Will you embrace the beauty of love this week of July 22-28, 2024? Or will you shy away from it out of fear? Before we look at the love horoscopes for each zodiac sign, here are the general love messages for all.

First of all, the sun will enter Leo on July 22nd, ushering in Leo season. This makes people more likely to go overboard in love and make grand gestures that may not last the entire season. So watch out for warning signs and don’t let anyone overwhelm you with declarations of love!

The second important transit this week is Mercury’s entry into Virgo on July 25. This will make us more aware of what kind of partner we have (if we are in a relationship) or what type of partner best suits us and our lives (if we are single).

Finally, relationships that are not designed to last often face partners who are incompatible with their goals and dreams. Don’t let that happen to you!

The moon moves through Pisces into Taurus this week. In love, this will affect our dreams and fantasies around love. But real life will eventually come knocking on the door once the moon reaches Taurus.

RELATED: Weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign from July 22 to 28, 2024

Let’s take a look at how love horoscopes improve this week as the Sun and Mercury change signs starting July 22, 2024.


Best day for love: July 2nd

Key to Love: Desire

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Aries, the energy of love for you this week is one of caring, companionship and companionship. But you shouldn’t just go with the flow! Instead, write your own destiny in love. Choose the person who really shows you their care, and seek companionship only from people you would like to have in your life long-term. The message is the same for companionship.

You are also encouraged to keep a “wishes” journal to help you manifest your love desires. When it says “write your destiny,” manifestation is definitely one of them!

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Best day for love: July 3

The key to love: accepting your gifts

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Taurus, the energy of love for you this week has a gentle quality. You are encouraged to be receptive rather than proactive. Let the cosmos show you what it has in store for you. But set healthy boundaries if you don’t want to accept something that is offered to you.

Also, your love life is highly tied to your self-esteem, so accept yourself and the gifts within you. This will work out for you in the most romantic and unexpected ways.

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Best day for love: July 8th

Key to Love: Know Yourself

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Gemini, if you are a die-hard fan of love and romance, then get ready for something special this week! You are about to embark on a journey you could never have imagined. Although this surprise is shrouded in darkness, it will lift your heart, show you new facets of yourself, and help you reconcile with your past.

If you feel called to do so, now is a good time to work with crystals that help you in love. Be sure to choose the crystal that resonates with you personally, rather than generic crystals that represent love.

RELATED TOPICS: The Best Crystal for Each Zodiac Sign, According to Astrology


Best day for love: July 9th

Key to Love: Who Lives in Your Heart?

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Cancer, if no one has told you lately how beautiful, kind, generous and amazing you are, then we have all that and more for you. That’s the energy of love for you this week, so open your heart and be prepared to be surprised! The cosmic forces are aligning your destiny with true love, but you must be open to allow it to flow into your life.

Even if you haven’t yet confessed your feelings to your loved one or let him or her deeper into your heart, you should take small steps in that direction this week and move forward.

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Best day for love: July 11th

Key to Love: The One and Only!

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Leo, the energy of love for you this week has a determined and focused quality. Whatever you desire in love can be yours now if you follow the signs and synchronicities that lead you to that fulfillment. So trust in yourself and don’t let doubts hold you back.

If you’ve been thinking about taking a vacation, now is an excellent time to do it. It can even be a weekend trip alone. Then you’ll experience love entering your life in the most unexpected way!

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Best day for love: July 11th

Key to Love: You are who you believe you are

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Virgo, kindness is not a weakness. They are two different words with completely different meanings. If someone confuses the two, that’s their problem, not yours. You are being asked to be your true self and move forward with kindness and love, whether this week or in the ones to come.

Those who have the ability to love will appreciate this pure honesty and stay with you. Those who don’t have the ability won’t. So accept yourself and don’t sabotage your happiness. You are your own ideal and there is much more waiting for you in the future.

RELATED TOPICS: 5 Zodiac Signs Will Experience the Best Horoscopes from July 22-28, 2024, When Leo Season Begins


Best day for love: July 12th

Key to love: breathe deeply

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Libra, your personal boundaries are highlighted in love matters this week. Do you often give in to peer pressure (or the urgings of your family) despite your heart telling you otherwise? Do you regret not standing up for yourself or putting your foot down where it counts? You’re being encouraged to take small steps and build this skill. Practice is gold.

And when you feel anxious or fearful, take a deep breath and remind yourself how capable you are. Haven’t you proven yourself enough times in the past? The vulnerability of love will disappear if you choose to let it.

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Best day for love: July 13

The key to love: finding yourself

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Scorpio, there is nothing stronger than the power of love. It can move mountains and seas when you least expect it. That’s what you’ll experience in matters of the heart this week. So open yourself up to this world-changing experience. You too will be transformed in its melting pot.

Self-love and self-knowledge are also essential for romantic love to flourish between partners. How else can you choose the right person?

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Best day for love: July 13th and 15th

Key to Love: Self-Sacrifice

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Sagittarius, your love experience this week will show you how strong you are when it comes to love. This is not the fluffy kind of love that puts a smile on your face. This kind of love leaves no stone unturned to protect, provide and care for the person it loves. There is something truly powerful in this kind of expression of love.

Remember: Not everyone deserves to deal with this extraordinary side of you, so don’t ignore warning signs! Because the right person will be ready to be just as extraordinary for you.

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Best day for love: July 26

Key to love: beauty and devotion

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Capricorn, the energy of love feels like a double-edged sword for you this week. You can’t experience its highs without baring your heart and vulnerabilities. But if you choose to shy away, you will always feel an emptiness inside where your soul is searching for its soulmate.

So lean into love this week. Let it show you its strength through your vulnerability. You will be surprised, but in creative ways. If you are single, be especially careful on your first dates.

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Best day for love: July 28th and 29th

Key to love: sweet success!

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Aquarius, love can move mountains. That is your message this week, as you are at a crossroads where you can either embrace the intoxication and power of love or resolutely turn away from it. However, it is your choice. What will it be?

This is a good time to practice visualization. Meditation can help you feel more centered in making this decision. Visualization tracks can also help with this. It can also be helpful to journal your deepest thoughts, desires and feelings.

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Best day for love: July 23

Key to love: “I am the right one for you”

WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Pisces, the energy of love urges you to listen to your heart this week and not hold back for fear of general condemnation. Those who condemn loving expressions have no capacity for love or care within themselves. Don’t turn your life into an empty shell just because they choose to do so.

The key to love for you this week is to listen when someone tells you who they are and what they want from you in terms of love or romance. Your little piece of paradise awaits you when you can listen and not just listen. Choose the person who would choose you.

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Valeria Black is a tarot card reader, astrologer and YouTubers with expertise in spellcasting, runes and everything to do with magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.