
A Veteran’s Journey: Ron Parsons Reflects on Service, Career and Love

A Veteran’s Journey: Ron Parsons Reflects on Service, Career and Love

At Hidden Springs Senior Living, our editor Mike McCool had the pleasure of sitting down with Ron Parsons, a 93-year-old veteran with a lifetime of stories to tell. Born on October 7, 1930, Ron has lived through some of the most pivotal moments in modern history.

Early life and military service

Ron enlisted in the Marines in October 1948, right after graduating from high school. He was one of the first Marines sent to Korea, where he experienced the bitter cold of the Korean winter. “It was about minus 20 degrees at night,” Ron recalls, emphasizing how tough one had to be to endure such conditions.

Ron was trained as a field radio operator and mastered Morse code. He developed into a high-speed radio operator, capable of processing 35 words per minute. His duties went beyond radio operations; he often carried heavy equipment and weapons and adapted to difficult terrain conditions and situations.

Life after Korea

After the Korean War, Ron’s last duty station was in Quantico, Virginia. His three-year tour of duty was initially extended by one year due to the Korean War. He completed his tour of duty at the end of August 1952 and returned to civilian life. In 1955, he married his first wife, whom he had met at Quantico. They enjoyed a long engagement while Ron continued his education.

A varied career

Ron’s career was as varied as it was impressive. He started as a Marine, then an art student, then worked as a police officer. He eventually became a practicing lawyer, a profession he gave up at age 65. “I gave up the profession at 65 and my wife and I retired,” Ron said, reflecting on the transition.

Unfortunately, Ron had to retire earlier than planned due to his wife’s illness. She was diagnosed with a terminal illness, but despite her condition, she wanted to live life to the fullest. They bought a 40-foot sailboat and set out on adventures on the Intercoastal Waterway. “We didn’t go to marinas much. We slept and cooked on the boat,” Ron said, reflecting their adventurous spirit.

Finding love again

After the death of his first wife, Ron reconnected with an old friend, Miriam. They had known each other since the 1950s, and their shared past opened a new chapter in Ron’s life. “I proposed to her and, surprisingly, she accepted,” Ron said with a smile. They have been married for nearly 25 years.

Living in Hidden Springs

Today, Ron and Miriam live in Hidden Springs, where they are loved by the community. Miriam, a talented pianist, entertains residents every night before dinner by playing the electronic piano. “Everyone knows Miriam now and they love listening to her,” Ron said proudly.

Reflecting on his age, Ron admits he didn’t expect to live to 94. “When you’re younger, you think 94 is so far away,” he mused. Despite the challenges of growing older, Ron is grateful for the life he has lived and the experiences he has had.

Final thoughts

Ron Parsons’ life story is one of resilience, love and adventure. From his deployment in Korea to his diverse careers to his devotion to family, Ron is an example of a fulfilled life. As he himself said, “I’m lucky to be in the shape I am,” and it’s clear that his spirit and stories will continue to inspire those around him.