
Full Moon in Capricorn Love Horoscopes on July 21, 2024 for every zodiac sign

Full Moon in Capricorn Love Horoscopes on July 21, 2024 for every zodiac sign

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024 strongly influences the day’s love horoscopes for each zodiac sign, bringing to a close a phase that began on January 11, 2024 with the new moon in Capricorn.

This new moon aligning with Uranus in Taurus means it’s time to break free of what’s holding you back from living your life to the fullest—and having the relationship you’ve always wanted. But sometimes it’s harder to break free and move on, and that’s why the full moon in Capricorn offers you your second chance to close the past and make the fresh start this year is all about.

Let go of the obligations that may have been holding you back and fully surrender to what it takes to break free and manifest the love you have always wanted.

Here is each zodiac sign’s love horoscope for the full moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024.


Don’t be confused if you’re asked to resolve loose ends from the past, Aries. This doesn’t mean you’re revisiting old chapters of your life, it just means you’re working to free yourself to finally move forward. It might involve finalizing a divorce, a settlement, or other financial matters from a past relationship. Be who you are, but keep dreaming about what’s next.

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You have everything within you to live the life you’ve always wanted. Instead of building your life around a specific relationship, try to realize that it’s about choosing a connection that fits the life you’ve already created. Let go of the thought that you have to be everything to everyone, or even give up what’s most important to you. When you choose yourself, you also make room for others.

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You may have felt some resistance to the changes in your life. But when it comes to these moments of divine transformation, the Universe always has the final say. This is your moment of rebirth, Gemini. You can decide who you become and even how your current relationship evolves, but to do so, you must embrace this new person you have become. There is no reason to resist what is meant to help you reach your destiny—and the love that will last forever.

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Maybe you’ve tried a fresh start in love but haven’t felt quite sure if you can really pursue it. While this is something you can experience regardless of what actually happens, in this case it was connected to your intuition about a particular connection. Just because someone makes you an offer to get back together doesn’t mean you have to accept it. In this case, it might just be the final opportunity to free you from that past situation so you can actually attract the new love you’ve been wanting.

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Boundaries are everything, Leo, and in this case, you need to protect your space and your heart from what isn’t meant for you. You’ve been trying to get clear on what you want while learning to respect your feelings, but it seems there might be a divine test today to see how far you’ve come—and if you’re ready for your fresh start. You’re not only choosing who you want to be with, but also whose advice you follow. Don’t be afraid to set those boundaries and make sure you have the space to continue pursuing what you really want.

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Just because a relationship ends doesn’t mean it will bring hurt feelings or sadness. In long-term, healthy relationships, there needs to be a continuous transition to growth – which also means there will be breakups, too. When this happens, it’s important to focus on creating more autonomy in your relationship. Instead of thinking that you both have to act like the perfect couple and family, try to find the love that comes when you can both show up as yourselves.

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You may be closing a certain chapter of your life as you prepare to move, or you may even be moving to chase your own dreams. That doesn’t mean you can’t grieve for what you expected, or even for the presence of a certain person, but you can’t let a momentary feeling distract you at this point. Feel what you need, but move on.

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Communication helps create opportunities, not only in your professional life but also in love. But only if you actually communicate what you want, need and deserve. There’s no point in keeping it casual or even just fun if it’s not going to accomplish anything. Try to focus on the conversations you need to have to create a better future. Take a risk with your openness and let go of the thought that you’re not worthy of having your needs met.

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Think about how you have presented yourself in your partnership, dear Sagittarius. How you present yourself also lets your partner know what is most important to you and how you feel about them. Although there needs to be some give and take in your relationship, make sure you are not just pretending, but building a conscious connection with your partner. What is done with genuine feelings will always produce better results than simply trying to make someone else happy.

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You don’t have to be anything other than yourself. While it may seem like you have to present yourself a certain way in your relationship, that’s actually an illusion. What your partner really needs to see is you simply being yourself, regardless of whether it’s messy or even seems contradictory. When you can let go of how you should be and accept who you really are, you will stumble into the love you’ve always dreamed of.

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There is a difference between the reality of a relationship and its fantasy. Of course, the truth always forms the most stable foundation, but sometimes the lines between reality and fantasy blur. Try to think about how your own views and even the picture painted by your partner can judge whether the relationship you have built is actually real – or simply more of a dream that has not yet manifested. You can always decide what you accept, but seeing the truth helps.

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Open up your life, Pisces. Even though you’re perfectly comfortable in your own little world, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more joy to be found there. Whether you say yes to accompanying your partner to various events or even going out with your own friends, it’s time to get back out into the world. You can still have peace and time to work on your dreams, but you also need to start making more space for joy.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.