
Blade’s appearance in Deadpool and Wolverine would continue Ryan Reynolds’ comic book adaptation trend

Blade’s appearance in Deadpool and Wolverine would continue Ryan Reynolds’ comic book adaptation trend


  • Reynolds returns as Wade Wilson in Deadpool & Wolverine, opening up the potential for further meta-references to other films.
  • Fan analysis of the Deadpool and Wolverine trailers have led to theories about a cameo appearance by Blade.
  • Deadpool’s self-deprecation regarding Ryan Reynolds’ previous comic book roles may also extend to his role in Blade, which could explain the hero’s expected appearance in the third film.



If speculation about Blade’s return in the Marvel film in Deadpool and Wolverine If true, it would continue a Ryan Reynolds comic book movie trend that began in 2016. Ryan Reynolds has now portrayed two versions of Wade Wilson in his comic book movie career, starting with the generally panned portrayal in the 2009 comic. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Fortunately, 2016 is Dead Pool corrected that mistake by delivering the quintessential live-action version of the R-rated Marvel Comics character, which will soon culminate in the release of Deadpool and Wolverine.

As excitement for the film’s release reaches its peak, Deadpool fans have been studying trailer footage to find as many Deadpool and Wolverine Details as possible before the upcoming MCU film debut. Since rumors about certain Deadpool and Wolverine Cameos are confirmed through trailers and images, but there is one character that fans are having a hard time identifying: Blade. While a figure in a promotional image could theoretically be Sticky Fingaz’s take on the character in CW’s Blade: The Seriesit remains unclear whether Blade will even be there. If so, however, Reynolds’ recurring Deadpool gag can continue.


Why Marvel fans think Blade is in Deadpool and Wolverine (and why I’m not convinced)

Marvel’s vampire hunter could appear in “Deadpool & Wolverine”, but the latest theory about his appearance raises some important questions.

Ryan Reynolds insulted his mistakes in the comic book adaptation

Ryan Reynolds took the opportunity in the last two Deadpool films to make up for his previous mistakes in the comic book adaptations (and those of other actors) with relish. The fact that he did this by relying on comic-accurate fourth-wall breaks that weren’t present in his first appearance in Deadpool makes this self-deprecation all the more satisfying. This culminated in Deadpool 2 Deadpool uses Cable’s time travel device to go back and kill Reynolds before he can Green Lantern Role and the version of “Dead Pool” that appeared in X-Men Origins: WolverineReynolds addressed and corrected the more controversial aspects of his comic book film past.

However, this was not the first time in Deadpool film history that Reynolds’ previous roles were harshly criticized. Dead Pool featured similar moments, with the antihero advising Ajax not to sew his mouth shut and begging his super suit not to be green or animated. While Reynolds’ references to his previous roles have so far caused a storm, this is the third time in Deadpool and Wolverine There is a risk that the joke will become stale. Instead, Blade may offer Reynolds a chance to capitalize on another part.

Blade’s appearance would be a continuation of Reynolds’ Deadpool 2 joke

Green Lantern And X-Men Origins: Wolverine are not the only criticized comic book adaptations with Reynolds in the lead role. Blade: Trinity was the maligned third installment in the otherwise well-received Blade trilogy, starring Wesley Snipes. Reynolds debuted in the film as Hannibal King, which endured a rocky production due to Snipes’ alleged behavior on set. The film was also heavily criticized for lacking the magic of the first two films.

The distribution rights for Blade were initially held by New Line Cinema before being reacquired by Marvel in 2012.

When Blade appears in Deadpool and Wolverinewhether as Snipes or in another form, The door is wide open for Reynolds to continue his self-ironic trend with Blade as a template. Concerns about referencing Blade: Trinity could be related to the fact that it was published in 2004, 7 years before Green Lanternand is therefore not so relevant. Blade’s physical presence in Deadpool and Wolverine would change that by making things less referential and more literal in terms of allusions to the earlier release, while still retaining Reynolds’ recurring gag.

Deadpool and Wolverine poster featuring Wade Wilson's swords and Hugh Jackman's reflection

Deadpool and Wolverine

A sequel to the highly successful Deadpool and Deadpool 2 films, starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with a Mouth. The third film will be the first film in the series to be developed under the Marvel Studios banner following Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox. Ryan Reynolds returns to play the character alongside Hugh Jackman, reprising his role as Wolverine for the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Shawn Levy

Release date
July 26, 2024

Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick