
There is a very famous actor that most people know but can hardly name.

There is a very famous actor that most people know but can hardly name.

If there was ever anyone in the world who heard the phrases “I know you from somewhere” or “I thought you looked familiar” the most, it’s undoubtedly this guy.

Although his career has reached the heights of Hollywood, his face is instantly recognizable, and he has appeared in over 200 films and television shows, he has never quite managed to become a household name.

Instead of asking this extremely famous actor for an autograph when they meet him, people are more likely to ask him if he was an old classmate of theirs or if he “just has that kind of face”.

I’ll tell you what: You work your whole life to become a star and look where it takes you – you have to whip out your resume and list your cinematic achievements to a stranger on the side of the road.

Do you know this man? (Columbia Pictures)

Do you know this man? (Columbia Pictures)

Imagine you’re 73 years old and people are still snapping their fingers as if to conjure up your name and insisting it’s on the tip of your tongue. Do me a favor.

Although he has starred in some legendary films – including And every day the groundhog greets us, adaptation, MemoryThelma and Louise, Crazy FridayThe wife of the time traveler And The Lorax – he is not treated like most movie stars.

There’s really no excuse for this, since there’s a good chance this guy was literally in your living room.

The actor appeared in numerous cult series, including His field, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, That 70’s Show, Malcom in the middle, CSI: Miami, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order: Special Unit for Victims And Grace and Frankie.

Would it mean anything to you if I said Sandy Ryerson from Glee?

Let me guess, his nickname is on the tip of your tongue (20th Century Fox)

Let me guess, his nickname is on the tip of your tongue (20th Century Fox)

I really hope so, otherwise things will get really unpleasant for Stephen Tobolowsky.

The Dallas, Texas-based entertainer shines just as brightly as his co-stars on set—if not brighter—but unfortunately, for some reason, there’s a bit of an epidemic where viewers just can’t remember his name.

It is not that he has not had memorable roles, such as Ned in And every day the groundhog says hello, but strangely enough, his nickname just doesn’t stick in people’s minds.

This is even stranger when you consider that he is also a voice actor – he has lent his voice to people like The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story, Mr. Peabody & Sherman And Toy story of terror! – and also podcasters.

We all need to pay some respect to Stephen Tobolowsky's name (Jesse Grant/Variety via Getty Images)

We all need to pay some respect to Stephen Tobolowsky’s name (Jesse Grant/Variety via Getty Images)

Honestly, there’s not much more Tobolowsky can do to keep his name in our minds.

The 73-year-old host The Tobolowsky fileswhere he tells stories from his brilliant acting career and anecdotes from his private life.

He has written three books: The Club of Dangerous Animals, Cautionary talesAnd My adventures with Godon the front of which his name is printed in large letters.

I think the strategy now is clearly to buy Tobolowsky’s memoirs and put them on display for all to see, turn on his podcast, and shout every time he appears on our screens, “That’s Stephen Tobolowsky!”

That’s only fair, right?