
Chris Roemer: Since liberals became progressives, questions of right and wrong have disappeared

Chris Roemer: Since liberals became progressives, questions of right and wrong have disappeared

From 2015 to 2022, California experienced a net migration rate every year. During that period, the state’s population declined by more than one million people.

California suffers from high taxes, high crime, a worsening homelessness crisis and skyrocketing housing costs.

Attracted by the generous gifts of California taxpayers, immigrants from all over the world are streaming across the state’s southern border.

Counterproductive minimum wage laws, repressive tax laws and a declining quality of life are driving companies out of business or out of the state. And when they leave, they take their jobs with them.

Poor land management exacerbates the spread and severity of annual wildfires, and inadequate energy infrastructure leads to recurring power outages.

In the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, the heart of the state’s vast water system, nearly 95% of all water flows into the Pacific Ocean instead of being captured and stored for later use, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Yet, much like President Joe Biden’s assessment of the national economy, California Governor Gavin Newsome keeps telling us how wonderful everything is in his state, even as the number of citizens leaving the country is rising in record numbers. We can see with our own eyes how bad things really are.

Hollywood, home of the rich and immoral, is lining up to give Biden’s flagging campaign a much-needed boost.

If Hollywood wants to raise money for Biden’s campaign, so be it. Why his celebrities believe the American people should look to them as some kind of authority on matters of global and national importance is beyond me.

Robert De Niro dropped out of high school. So did Whoopi Goldberg. Al Pacino, Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp are other examples of a long list of “Hollywood legends” who did not graduate from high school.

“Listen to me,” they say. “I may be uneducated and morally corrupt, but I am a celebrity and you should vote for whoever I tell you.”

De Niro and his Hollywood colleagues are obviously well versed in the intricacies of constitutional law and therefore believe they are qualified to judge Supreme Court decisions.

Honestly, what does De Niro know? All he knows is that he hates Trump and he wants you to hate Trump, too.

So he flies around in private jets and advocates for policies that have no impact on his privileged lifestyle, while looking down on Trump’s supporters, whom he considers to be dim-witted cult members.

It amazes me that someone who dropped out of high school can be so full of themselves and belittle other people.

What amazes me even more is that the media believes everything he or his Hollywood brethren have to say.

Since liberals became progressives, they no longer concern themselves with questions of good and evil. The end now always seems to justify the means.

How else can we explain the increasing support for terrorist groups like Hamas and their cries of “Long live October 7”?

Whether legal or illegal, constitutional or unconstitutional, all that matters to progressives is that they get what they want. And if that means destroying state institutions and long-held principles – or supporting terrorist groups – then so be it.

When I was young and, as it happened, very liberal, the American political left was struggling to make the so-called “Immortal Declaration” – “All men are created equal” – a reality.

Whether one liked their policies or not, liberals respected the constitutional principles and high ideals that distinguished America from every other nation on earth, and they worked to make those principles relevant to all Americans.

Today’s progressives have no greater ideal than the next social program or victory in the next election.

For this reason, Biden has no qualms about ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling that he does not have the authority to forgive student loans.

I ask you: Would someone who claims to be the “savior of democracy” ignore a Supreme Court ruling?

Furthermore, progressives kill the golden goose by trying to predetermine economic outcomes rather than working to ensure that all people have an equal chance of earning the golden eggs.

Unlike liberals of yore, progressives see their struggle as a zero-sum game. Any gains they make must come at the expense of others, whom they flippantly label as “oppressors” and who, in their view, deserve the punishment progressives choose to inflict as atonement for the sins of their fathers.

This mentality has destroyed many countries, and it will destroy this country unless the American people say enough is enough.

Where have all the liberals gone?

“I believe there are more cases where the liberty of the people is abridged by gradual and silent interventions of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.” – James Madison

Chris Roemer writes from Finksburg. He can be reached at [email protected].