
Darren’s Voice organizes a school supplies drive and distributes naloxone

Darren’s Voice organizes a school supplies drive and distributes naloxone

The Rockingham Housing Authority and partner organizations distributed school supplies to over 200 children at Falling Creek Park on Friday. A video of the event can be found on the RO Facebook page.
RO file photo

ROCKINGHAM – A local group fighting the opioid epidemic in Richmond County is hosting a school supply drive this weekend.

Darren’s Voice will be collecting school supplies at Captain D’s starting at 11 a.m. Saturday. The group will also be distributing free naloxone, a drug used to treat overdoses, and “other educational items.”

Darren’s Voice was founded by Shelia Bostic and named in honor of her son, who died of fentanyl poisoning in 2022.

“Everyone deserves a second chance in life,” Bostic said.

Click here to learn more about Darren’s Voice.

Bostic was in Raleigh earlier this year to promote a bill called “Healthy and Safe Students in Every School,” which would require public schools to keep a supply of naloxone on hand.

North Carolina General Assembly records show that the Senate version of the bill was sent to the Rules Committee on May 6, the day of its first reading. The House version was sent to the Education Committee.

Richmond County has the highest fentanyl-positive death rate in the state, with 77.1 and 33 deaths.

Click here to learn more about the latest statistics.

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