
Explosive lawsuit accuses Chris Anderson of misconduct

Explosive lawsuit accuses Chris Anderson of misconduct

Seminole County Election Commissioner Chris Anderson was faced with a lawsuit from his former general counsel, which made explosive allegations and accused Anderson of defamation.

A spokesman said Friday that Anderson had no comment and that his office was focused on preparing for the upcoming election. Meanwhile, Anderson, a Republican, said is also up for re-election And faces a Republican challenger and a democratic opponent.

The new lawsuit accuses Anderson of doing favors for friends. It cites the name Joel Greenbergthe former tax collector of Seminole County currently 11 years in service in prison for several crimes.

Philip And Sarah Kaprow sued Anderson and his wife in Seminole County District Court this week, following controversy last year after Kaprow resigned from representing Anderson’s office over ethical concerns.

Although he was no longer the General Counsel for the Office of Supervisor Elections, Kaprow was still a consultant to the Seminole County Election Board – an organization independent of the Office of the Chief Election Commissioner, although Anderson was a member.

The district commissioned Kaprow to deal with election laws and other legal issues on behalf of the election committee.

When Anderson learned of this, the lawsuit states, he “unleashed a barrage of defamatory, threatening and abusive statements against Mr. and Mrs. Kaprow.”

“On September 22, 2023, during regular office hours, Mr. Anderson fabricated, created, performed, and posted a 55-minute Facebook Live video outside the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections building while wearing clothing that clearly and unambiguously identified him as a member of the Supervisor’s office,” the lawsuit states.

Anderson’s wife participated in the Facebook live video in front of their children.

The Andersons attacked and ridiculed the Kaprows’ jobs, their integrity and even their Jewish faith, the lawsuit says.

“The tirade was posted on social media and viewed by eight (8) million viewers (according to statements made by Ms. Anderson during the tirade),” the lawsuit states.

“You use your power to bring everyone down, including me,” were comments from the video, according to the lawsuit. “Anything that touches (Mr. Kaprow) is illegal.”

Kaprow cited several reasons that led him to Resignation of Anderson’s general counsel first of all.

Anderson, who is black, publicly suggested that he had been racially discriminated against by county officials because he was denied entry into a new government building.

Kaprow said he was called in to clarify the situation and spoke with the district attorney, who suggested that Anderson submit a written statement to set the record straight if he did not believe someone had discriminated against him.

Anderson then backtracked and gave media interviews in which he claimed, in “quid pro quo,” that he could move into the new government building if he wrote a statement affirming that the country did not discriminate against him, the lawsuit says.

Kaprow said Anderson’s allegations were untrue, there was no quid pro quo, and Kaprow’s reputation would be damaged if Anderson continued to repeat the allegation.

“Every time Mr. Anderson made the quid pro quo allegation, he was aware that he was spreading falsehoods,” the lawsuit states.

The lawsuit also accuses Anderson of hiring friends of his, such as his neighbor, who was “clearly unqualified” for the position of Chief Compliance Officer.

The lawsuit alleges that the employees were underqualified and overpaid, but does not say how much they were paid. When asked by Florida Politics on Friday, a spokesperson for the election office did not immediately provide the figures.

Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Anderson to manage the 2019 county elections.

“Prior to his appointment, Mr. Anderson worked as chief of security for Joel Greenberg, the disgraced former Seminole County tax collector,” the lawsuit states.

The complaint states: “While working with Joel Greenberg in the Seminole County Tax Collector’s Office, Mr. Anderson learned and adopted the practice of nepotism, witnessed and abetted the contentious relationship between the Seminole County Tax Collector’s Office and the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners, and observed the ability of an elected official to gain notoriety through inappropriate statements and extreme actions under the guise of his office. Mr. Anderson emulated and promoted these tactics to advance his own political interests and aspirations.”

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