
Red Dead Redemption, Witcher fans should check out Soulslinger: Envoy of Death

Red Dead Redemption, Witcher fans should check out Soulslinger: Envoy of Death


  • Soulslinger: Envoy of Death combines the demeanor of a gunslinger with magical knowledge to create a unique first-person roguelike experience.
  • The game places players in a purgatory-like afterlife where they battle deadly enemies using fast-paced shooting mechanics and black magic.
  • Inspired by Red Dead Redemption and The Witcher, Soulslinger offers a compelling mix of Western and fantasy elements in a dark and desolate world.

For lovers of fantasy and western, Soulslinger: Messenger of Death tries to capture the gunslinger attitude of Red Dead Redemption with the magically focused knowledge of The Sorcerer. Currently in Early Access on Steam, Soul Slingshot is an engaging first-person take on the roguelike genre that pits players against enemies in the afterlife.

Soul Slingshot puts players in the role of a cowboy with a gun who has come to terms with a fate in limbo, a purgatory-like afterlife. The titular protagonist is not alone in this state, however. There is a dangerous organization called The Cartel that wants to harvest dead souls in order to escape from this afterlife. With his Sorcerer-like art direction and focus on gun gameplay, Soul Slingshot could be the perfect title for Red Dead Redemption And The Sorcerer Fans to check out.


Red Dead Redemption still deserves the treatment as a “Last of Us” remake

Red Dead Redemption could use the same remastering work as The Last of Us to really bring it and RDR2 up to par.

Soulslinger: Envoy of Death combines Western and Fantasy

A gunslinger in the afterlife

If you look at the character design of Soul SlingshotThe cowboy influence is quite clearly visible in the protagonist. Not only the title is Soul Slingshot a pun on the term “gunslinger,” but the character generally looks like Arthur Morgan was thrown straight into purgatory with a fantasy twist. Additionally, the game’s shooting mechanics are a fun and quick way to mow down the hordes of enemies Soul Slingshot throws itself in one’s way.

The protagonist’s trusty pistol and shotgun have the kick and crisp mechanics that are perfect for a roguelike title. Although the Red Dead Redemption Franchise is not in the Roguelike genre, Soul Slingshot can sometimes feel like a weird, afterlife-themed roguelike DLC. Red Dead Redemption experimented with horror elements, but Soul Slingshot helps to illustrate what it might look like if Arthur Morgan or John Marston were confronted with the souls of the dead.

An estimated date for
Soulslinger: Messenger of Death
The full release has yet to be announced by Elder Games.

Embracing dark fantasy and magic

SeelenlingerThe protagonist is possibly a clear allusion to Red Dead Redemptionbut the entire world and story of the game are heavily permeated with dark magic and fantasy tropes that The Sorcerer so captivating. Magic in The Sorcerer is a central feature of the franchise and Seelenlinger uses it to make his fight against the dead even more exciting. In Soul SlingshotPlayers can use magic and spells to upgrade the protagonist’s weapons, resulting in some truly unique shooting mechanics.

The most obvious similarity between The Sorcerer And Soul Slingshot is the dark world in which both games take place. The SorcererThe focus on monster hunting offers some harrowing and exciting combat situations and Soul Slingshot follows this approach, but with additional weapons. The various monsters and enemies that can be seen everywhere, Soul Slingshot could easily feel at home in The Sorcerer franchise, and the Western mix offers a compelling twist.

Soulslinger wears his inspiration openly

Not only the influence of Red Dead Redemption And The Sorcerer there, but there are other similar games that Soul Slingshot was probably inspired by. Supernatural Western The evil West and Soulslike from the first person Witchfire Have similarities with Soul Slingshot also. Although Soul Slingshot While it’s heavily inspired by many of those games, the dark fantasy shooter still has its own unique concepts that make it an entertaining exploration of a dark and bleak afterlife.

While Red Dead Redemption 3 And The Witcher 4 are far away in the distance, Soul Slingshot could prove to be a great way to scratch that itch while experiencing a new title. Although the game is currently still in Early Access, it will be exciting to see how developer Elder Games goes about Soul Slingshot a fully realized game.




Original release date
12 September 2003

Original MSRP (USD)
