
Bright Communications presents our latest book… Social Work Narratives: Career Paths and Practical Experience | The Valley Ledger

Bright Communications presents our latest book… Social Work Narratives: Career Paths and Practical Experience | The Valley Ledger

Stories from social work:
Career paths and practical experience

Get inspired and explore the professional diversity that social work offers through unique stories from social workers with over 50 years of professional experience and those just starting out in the profession. Interviewees were asked to describe their journey in social work, including education, professional experience, practical knowledge, advice and self-care tips. The stories are relevant to all social workers, including those thinking about becoming a social worker, new social workers, those looking to change their social work career path and those looking to reflect on their successes and think about future goals.

You are reminded that social work values ​​and ethics form the basis for practice.

Hope Horowitz, MSW, LSW

Hope Horowitz, MSW, LSW, began her career in social service as a VISTA volunteer. She earned an MSW from the University of Michigan and has had a distinguished career as a practitioner, administrator, trainer, and educator for over 42 years. She coordinates the social work program and is a professor of social work/sociology at Northampton Community College (NCC). Her passions include social justice issues and global education. She co-developed and led seven service-learning trips to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Hope has led students to Ecuador and Israel. She co-developed the Mindful Travel for Faculty trips and traveled to Finland with a group of NCC faculty. She co-led a Mindful Travel Mentors trip to Finland for social work students, alumnae, faculty, and professionals. Hope has served as chair of the Eastern Division of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and has held various leadership positions for the local division. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences and provided training workshops for nonprofit organizations throughout her career. Hope continues to serve on the advisory board of the Phoebe Institute on Aging and reviews grants for AmeriCorps.

Hope has lived in Allentown, PA for 42 years. She has been married for 43 years and has two grown children. She has been meditating since 1978 and enjoys yoga, audio books, walking, and puzzles. She continues to enjoy traveling and exploring new cultures and parts of the world.