
Resident doctors suspend strike in ‘crucial step’ to negotiate collective agreement with government

Resident doctors suspend strike in ‘crucial step’ to negotiate collective agreement with government

Assistant doctors have suspended their strike to begin formal salary negotiations with the Ministry of Health.

It will be the first time since December that real talks will take place.

Since March 2023, junior doctors have gone on strike eleven timesPhoto credit: EPA

The breakthrough is a glimmer of hope for desperate patients and hospitals that have endured nearly 18 months of protests.

Relations between the British Medical Association and Conservative ministers broke down as both sides refused to give in to each other’s demands.

Wes Streeting, the new Health Minister, is convinced that he can do what his predecessors failed to do and that he can reach an agreement.

Decisive step forward

He said today: “Following a second constructive meeting, I am pleased to announce that my department will begin formal negotiations with the BMA Junior Doctors Committee on Tuesday.

“This is a decisive step forward.

“This administration has been honest with the public about the terrible economic circumstances we inherited and I have reiterated that message in meetings with junior doctors.

“But our first meetings encourage me that a deal is possible.

“The strikes have caused significant costs to patients, staff and the NHS.

“Now serious efforts are being made to finally put an end to them.”

We expect the negotiations to be completed by August 16.

Dr. Robert LaurensonBritish Medical Association

This came after the BMA met with Streeting on his second day of work.

The strike leader is NO longer a junior doctor and cannot even strike

Just days before the general election, more than 20,000 junior doctors went on strike in one of the most controversial strikes to date.

Since March last year, they have gone on strike eleven times, putting 44 working days out of action.

More than 1.2 million appointments have been postponed or cancelled and more than £1.5 billion has been spent dealing with the consequences.

BMA strike leaders Dr Robert Laurenson and Dr Vivek Trivedi said: “We are pleased to announce that formal negotiations will begin on Tuesday 23 July.

“We expect these to be completed by our board meeting on August 16.”