
German MEP Niels Geuking: The large number of participants at the resistance rally in Berlin was the true voice of Iran

German MEP Niels Geuking: The large number of participants at the resistance rally in Berlin was the true voice of Iran

On June 30, German MEP Niels Geuking delivered a passionate speech at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, stressing the importance of solidarity and support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.

Geuking, who represents the Family Party of Germany in the European Parliament, underlined the universal importance of freedom. He said that he had seen thousands of faces in Berlin both recently and in February, all longing for a free society in which everyone is treated equally.

He testified that the mass rallies in Berlin represented the true voice of the Iranian people, who rejected the sham elections with carefully selected candidates and demanded the end of the dictatorship and the establishment of a democratic, secular republic. Geuking condemned the regime that has long denied the Iranian people their most basic rights through oppression, deceit and selfishness.

He pointed to the growing strength of the Iranian resistance, as demonstrated by the large number of participants at the “Free Iran” rally in Berlin. MEP Geuking called on the European Union to pursue a more decisive policy towards the Iranian regime, which must focus on recognizing the Iranian people’s right to resist oppression. This includes recognizing the democratic alternative proposed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan as basic principles for a new, modern Iran.

The German MEP acknowledged the painful truth that the path to freedom for the Iranian people is fraught with suffering and sacrifice, and remembered those who have already given their lives in the fight for democracy.

The following is a translated version of the speech by MEP Niels Geuking:

Dear guests from all over the world and current members and comrades for a free Iran,

First of all, I would like to thank the tireless organizers. Year after year, you shine a light on the horrors in Iran and gradually open the eyes of the world. Thank you for your invaluable commitment.

It is a pleasure for me to be here before you today at this summit, not only as a member of the European Parliament for Germany’s Family Party, but also as a young, freedom-loving person. Because freedom is the essential element that unites us all on this planet.

Just like in February, yesterday Saturday in Berlin I saw thousands, even tens of thousands more faces who want nothing more than a free society in which everyone is treated equally.

At the mass rallies in Berlin, you raised the true voice of the Iranian people. You declared a clear no to the sham elections in Iran with carefully selected candidates and a clear yes to ending the dictatorship and establishing a democratic, secular republic.

For far too long, the Iranian people have been denied their most basic rights by a regime founded on oppression, deceit and selfishness. Yet the Iranian resistance is alive and growing, as evidenced by the huge crowd at the Free Iran rally in Berlin. All of you are the true voice of the Iranian people and embody the hope and determination to end this inhumane dictatorship.

You have said a clear no to all forms of dictatorship that violently oppress the Iranian people. The desire of the Iranian people is clear. They demand political change, and it is the duty of democratic countries to recognize and actively support this call for change. We must find further ways to end the trade in death.

It is time for the European Union and all its institutions to pursue a more determined policy towards this regime. The core of this policy must also be the recognition of the right of the Iranian people to resist oppression. This also means recognizing the democratic alternative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and President Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan as essential, constitutional foundations for a new, modern Iran. This is and can be the future of Iran. This is the Iran that we all strive for here. This is the Iran that we want to achieve together.

But, and this is unfortunately the bitter truth, the path that the Iranian people still have ahead of them is full of suffering and hardship. Like all of us, I have already seen many faces that are no longer with us today or can no longer be with us. Murdered in the fight for democracy, fallen for a better world for themselves, their families and future generations.

Let us remember these now silent heroes, give strength and comfort to their families and take a brief moment to honor them.

Thank you, and stand firm, stand firm. History shows that any people can achieve their freedom if they have the courage and strength to make the necessary efforts. And achieving democracy is ultimately the greatest victory a people can achieve. Stand firm so that the Iranian people can one day live in peace and freedom.