
The Alien prequel TV series has its official title

The Alien prequel TV series has its official title

Take a look at The young‘ season finale. Cobra Kai reveals the date for the next part of his long farewell on Netflix. In addition, The crow is armed and ready for a new poster. For me, my spoilers!

The poisonous avenger

An interview by The World of Reel with an unnamed producer about Macon Blair’s long-awaited Toxic Avenger Remake suggests that the finished film is “unreleasable” and “too weird” for any commercial interest.

If the reviews were good, the prognosis might be a little brighter, but there’s not much potential. It’s too niche. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the film on Tubi in a few years.

According to the article, co-producer Adam Masnyk recently stated in a Twitter post that the film was deemed “not safe enough to market.”

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was rated PG-13 because of “violent content, macabre and bloody images, strong language, some suggestive material and brief drug use.” (Bloody-Disgusting)


Bloody-Disgusting also reports on the AI ​​horror film, Worriedwas rated PG-13 for “sexual content, strong violence, strong language and thematic content.”

The crow

Bloody-Disgusting also has a new poster (Crowster?) for The crow.

Damn disgusting

The art of a hit

A creepy, possibly supernatural record producer who invites a struggling rock band to his historic castle in the trailer for The art of a hit.

Cobra Kai

The second part of Cobra KaiThe final season will now air on Netflix on November 15th.

Alien: The Series/Alien: Earth

The FX extraterrestrial Show is now officially tiled Alien: Earthand has completed production and “a long period of post-production, which involves visual effects,” showrunner Noah Hawley told Variety.

The young

Amazon has finally released a new trailer for tonight’s season finale of The young.

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