
Twelve EU countries call for European measures against nicotine products for young people – Euractiv

Twelve EU countries call for European measures against nicotine products for young people – Euractiv

Twelve member states of the European Union presented a paper to the Health Council on Friday (21 June) calls on the European Commission to launch a debate on all products containing nicotine, particularly those aimed at children.

The Paper argues that an EU solution is needed to “future-proof tobacco legislation and ensure that new and future products fall within the scope of regulation and that media providers take greater responsibility for marketing.”

The signatories of the document (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and Spain) state that despite initiatives to regulate and reduce their attractiveness and accessibility to children, these products are still easily available online and are often sold to minors.

Although it is tobacco and not nicotine that causes death, there is growing concern that nicotine addiction also needs to be treated.

New research on the use of smoke-free According to a study by the Danish health authority Sundhedsstyrelsen on the use of nicotine products for young people, the products are explicitly marketed for children and adolescents and sometimes contain an extremely high nicotine content.

The study found that consumption leads to problems concentrating and an impaired ability to learn new skills.

Nicotine can also affect children’s psyche, making them vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

Research also suggests that early consumption of these products can lead to the use of tobacco products, including smoking. Delegations advocate a ban on flavourings, a limit on nicotine content and a total ban on certain products.

Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides described nicotine as a “gateway” to other products.

She said that as part of the review of the Tobacco Products Directive, the Commission is assessing its performance with regard to novel tobacco products and other emerging products.

“So far we have banned the use of flavoured heated tobacco products because we have seen a huge increase in their consumption in the EU. But the reality is that this is a very challenging task. It needs to be examined very carefully so that we can get it right.”

Asked by Euractiv whether the EU would present an update of the Tobacco Products Directive and other tobacco-related measures this year, Kyriakides said she could not give a timetable but assured that “work is ongoing”.

Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgium’s deputy prime minister and minister for social affairs and public health, who chaired the meeting as presiding officer, said there was strong support around the table but some ministers had raised concerns about proportionality.

He said there was agreement that “the legal framework urgently needs to be updated to take into account e-cigarettes and other new nicotine products.”

(Edited by Alice Taylor)

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