
There could be a major strike at Boeing this year

There could be a major strike at Boeing this year

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Worker Union District 751 at a rally to vote on a strike

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Worker Union District 751 at a rally to vote on a strike
photo: Jason Redmond/AFP (Getty Images)

A key group of Boeing workers said they were prepared to walk off the job if union negotiations did not go in their favor. Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 751, which represents Washington state workers for the Aircraft manufacturer in troublealmost unanimously agreed to a vote that could initiate a strike later this year. The vote passed with 99.9%.

“The poor decisions made at the Boeing Company’s executive level are short-term decisions with long-term consequences,” said Jon Holden, president of the local chapter, in a statement. “This lack of foresight by corporate leadership puts the livelihoods of our members at risk. Our jobs, our legacy and our reputation are now at stake. We are fighting to change this company and save it from itself.”

This was a so-called “strike sanction” vote. It does not call for an immediate strike, but serves as preparation for a strike should one be necessary. If Boeing presents its best and final wage offer to the 30,000-plus-strong IAM, another vote would be needed for a strike to take place if members reject that offer. The union’s demands include a 40 percent pay raise and a seat on the company’s board of directors.

Negotiations between IAM and Boeing opens in March about six months before the contract expires in September. The last full collective bargaining session was in 2008 and that contract has been extended since then but not fully renegotiated. Workers went on strike for eight weeks before an agreement was reached.