
Which character will Giancarlo Esposito play in Captain America: Brave New World? Fans give their opinion

Which character will Giancarlo Esposito play in Captain America: Brave New World? Fans give their opinion

The first official look at Anthony Mackie’s Captain America: Brave New World has given us a series of action sequences, a giant monster, and Giancarlo Esposito. While it’s clear who will take on the role of Captain America – Harrison Ford plays the character of Red Hulk – we still have no idea what role the Breaking Bad actor will play.

To answer these doubts, let’s look at what fan theories suggest.

Giancarlo Esposito’s speculated role in Captain America: Brave New World

Giancarlo Esposito has made a name for himself in film and television by portraying some of the best characters on screen, but his next role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still relatively unknown.

According to some fan theories, he might be playing the character George Washington Bridge. According to the comics, the character, also known as GW Bridge, is the one who has an infamous past with Cable. Yes, the mutant.

They had both served in the Six Pack, a mercenary unit. Bridge was later shown to join SHIELD.

It was even shown that GW Bridge formed its own task force called Weapon PRIME

Another much speculated role that the actor could play according to fan theories is Clay Quartermain. He is the leader of the Hulkbusters, a group of SHIELD

Although he was tasked with subduing the Hulk using technology, he continued with the Hulk stuck in his gray form.

This seems very likely, as several characters are returning to the screen who also happened to be close to Brue Banner. Liv Tyler is returning as Betty Ross, Thunderbolt Ross will be the main focus, and Tim Blake Nelson, who assisted Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk, will also reprise his role, this time as the leader.

The last fan theory says that Giancarlo Esposito will play the role of Jake Fury, who happens to be Nick Fury’s brother.

Jake was inclined towards a life of crime and was known as the Scorpion, a terrorist. He commits suicide but is replicated using ancient technology.

His replica figure then allies with Nick Fury, takes on the role of the Scorpion and defeats Hydra.

About Captain America: Brave New World

Captain America: Brave New World is the fourth part of the superhero series. This time, however, Mackie, rather than Chris Evans, plays the title role.

The film even has a great cast, including Rosa Salazar and Carl Lumbly alongside Esposito, Ford, Tyler and others.

Captain America: Brave New World will be released on February 14, 2025.