
Would Trump end corporate affirmative action? — WHYY

Would Trump end corporate affirmative action? — WHYY

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Stimulating the economy was the central theme of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this week.

Plans to reduce inflation, cut taxes, create good jobs, revive American manufacturing, and others were part of the national policy program greenlighted by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

However, this plan does not encourage discrimination for businesses and is seen by some minority communities as being disadvantageous.

The Republican National Committee has not included minority contracts or grant programs for U.S. small businesses in its policy agenda. But Trump’s campaign team says he will take action to strengthen the generational wealth of minority families.

“By reducing regulations, implementing tax cuts, reducing inflation, and creating quality jobs, his administration has created a more favorable environment for entrepreneurship and job growth in our communities,” Janiyah Thomas, Black Media Director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement to WHYY News.

Senior campaign adviser Steven Cheung also said in a statement: “Trump has created an environment where diversity, equal opportunity and prosperity are accessible to all.”

The Republican National Committee’s policy program includes far-reaching changes to stimulate the economy that are consistent with Trump’s plans: curbing inflation, deregulating industry, rebuilding the American manufacturing sector, and cutting taxes.

“The Republican Party must return to its roots as the party of industry, manufacturing, infrastructure and workers,” says the RNC’s policy framework.

However, it is unclear what position the Republican National Committee will take on policies to promote minorities in business – such as targets for awarding contracts to minorities at federal agencies – since the 28-page document does not address them.

The Trump campaign’s policy platform covers the same issues as the Republican National Committee’s policies, but does not directly address any minority contracting programs, contract reserves, or access to capital support.