
The final book in the Powerless trilogy must fix the biggest problem with Reckless

The final book in the Powerless trilogy must fix the biggest problem with Reckless

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for “Reckless” by Lauren Roberts.


  • Fearless
    must remedy the deficiencies of
    and delve into the conflict between elites and ordinary people.
  • The last book by
    The Powerless Trilogy
    must adequately deal with the consequences of Paedyn’s actions and put an end to the oppression of the Ordinaries.
  • Fearless
    has no choice but to address the unresolved plot points from
    and needs to balance romance with a stronger focus on the main story.

The Powerless Trilogy will conclude with Fearless in April 2025 and The last book in Lauren Roberts’ fantasy series must fix the biggest problem with Reckless. The sequel to Roberts’ 2023 debut, Reckless was one of the most anticipated fantasy books in July 2024. Given the popularity Powerless was on BookTok in 2023, it’s really no surprise that its sequel generated so much excitement. Unfortunately, Roberts’ series is not one of those trilogies where the second book is the best. Although there are things to like about Reckless, it is not quite enough Powerless’ heights.

Powerless introduces Paedyn and Kai, two very different people living in a world where magic reigns supreme. These people, known as Elites, believe that Ordinaries – people without powers – are a threat to their safety and well-being. Being an Ordinary in Ilya can cost a person their life, which is why Paedyn works so hard to hide her truth. Unfortunately, it comes to light after she saves Prince Kai and is drawn into the purges in Powerless. And although the end of the first book promises exciting things, Reckless does not fully meet this objective.


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Reckless barely advances the plot of the Powerless trilogy (and that’s a big problem)

The second book focuses too much on the romance of Paedyn and Kai

Powerless book cover with the title, a sword handle and green plants

After Paedyn had killed the king and was exposed as Ordinary at the end of the year, Powerless, it seemed certain that Reckless would be another exciting ride. Paedyn is on the run when Reckless begins and Kai is the one to track her down. The stakes seem to be rising in this sequel, but Reckless proves that this assumption is wrongInstead of making the consequences of Paedyn’s actions clear, Reckless hardly moves the plot The powerless trilogy on over 300 pages. That’s a shame, because there are big questions to answer.

Instead of making the consequences of Paedyn’s actions clear,
hardly moves the plot
The powerless
Forward in its over 300 pages.

Reckless should have delved deeper into the political tensions between the elites and the ordinarieswhich shows how Paedyn’s actions affected each department. Instead, the second part mainly follows Kai and Paedyn on their journey back to Ilya. And although their romance is a highlight of Reckless, It’s not enough to overlook the poor pacing and plotting. Even Kitt’s chapters that interrupt Kai and Paedyn’s interactions don’t do much to expand the story or the world until the end. Fearless has a lot to do when it comes to the main plot.

The final book in the Powerless trilogy must make up for Reckless’ biggest mistake

Fearless needs to focus more on the overarching plot

The covers of Powerless and Reckless by Lauren Roberts with the promo image for Fearless on the front
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Fearless will be released in April 2025 and the last book in The Powerless Trilogy must catch up Reckless’ biggest mistake. With Reckless the conflict between elites and ordinary people is hardly addressed, Fearless has to work doubly hard when it comes to the overarching plot. The third part has to properly show the consequences of Paedyn’s actions and also clarify the oppression of the Ordinaries. If Fearless wants to immerse readers in that world again, it needs to ramp up the action and political tension. It might be difficult to cover everything that is needed in one book.

This is especially true when you consider Fearless must also deal with the romance between Kai and Paedyn. Paedyn’s marriage to Kitt will undoubtedly factor into the main story, as the King of Ilya likely has ulterior motives in marrying his father’s killer. But with Paedyn’s engagement complicating things for her and Kai, Fearless has to juggle the main story with the central romance of the books. Hopefully the balance is better than its predecessor.

by Lauren Roberts will be released on April 8, 2025.

The story problems of Reckless should make Fearless a much more action-packed book

The final book has no choice but to address what Reckless didn’t do

The cover of Reckless

While Fearless might have trouble finding the right balance between action and romance, Reckless’ Story problems make this outcome less likely. Since Reckless fails to address many of the key action points The Powerless Trilogy, its sequel will have no choice but to tackle it head-on. Fearless Since this is the conclusion of Roberts’ series, there won’t be another opportunity to do so. Even if Roberts continues to write in this world, she needs to provide a satisfying ending to Paedyn and Kai’s story – and that includes the non-romantic elements.

fails to address many of the key action points
The Powerless Trilogy,
The sequel will have no choice but to face them head-on.

Unfortunately, Roberts ends the story and deals with things that are in Reckless could be the final Powerless Book feels rushed. The pace must be handled with caution when Fearless has any chance of making the landing. Given how many readers in The Powerless Trilogyit’s important to get the ending right. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the final book is gripping and satisfying.