
Alien FX series reportedly called “Alien: Earth”

Alien FX series reportedly called “Alien: Earth”

Although much of the attention is currently on the upcoming film Alien: Romulus, the FX Alien series is also on our motion tracker. The series just wrapped filming in Thailand and a wrap party for the cast and crew was recently held in Bangkok.

Working titles for the Alien: Prodigy and Alien: Neverland series have been making the rounds, but according to Variety, we may already have the final title for the series. In an interview with FX head John Landgraf, it is said that the series will be called Alien: Earth. Check out a mockup we put together below!

Landgraf referred to the series as Alien: Earth during his conversation with Variety and when they asked him about the title:

“Noah is deep into working on Season 1 of Alien: Earth right now. We’re in post-production and we talk to him every week and look at cuts. We’re pretty optimistic about Alien: Earth and we’ve told him that, assuming we hope, he should focus on making Alien: Earth a recurring television series before he returns for a possible sixth season of Fargo. So it’s going to be a while, but I’m also very proud of this show. (Noah) is an extraordinary talent. And we’ve had the privilege of working with him on three shows for over a decade. I love this season myself. I just absolutely loved it. I thought it was original, really moving, funny. It ultimately captured the moment that we’re living through in a very poignant way.”

Noah Hawley was also recently interviewed by Variety following the Emmy nominations and he seemed to confirm that this would be the final title:

“That’s the title we discussed. If it doesn’t change, I think that’s the title.”

We have to admit that we weren’t expecting this title, but given the setting of the show, it makes sense!

Thanks to Mike’s Monsters for the news! Keep your browsers locked to Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest news on the Alien series! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to get the latest news on your social media walls. You can also connect with other Alien and Predator fans in our forums!