
Boeing machinists take over T-Mobile Park for strike vote

Boeing machinists take over T-Mobile Park for strike vote

Thousands of members of Boeing’s machinists union met at T-Mobile Park on Wednesday to vote on whether to authorize a strike vote.

The union is currently negotiating a new contract with the company. The current contract expires on September 12. If Wednesday’s vote passes, the machinists would be entitled to walk out the next day, September 13.

“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That’s what we’re doing today. Hopefully we’ll get a good faith offer from Boeing up front and that won’t be necessary,” said Boeing machinist Caraig McIntyre.

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Boeing machinists decide to strike for higher wages

These are the first negotiations in more than a decade. The machinists are demanding a 40 percent pay increase and want the company to restore its pension plan.

Some machinists said it was all about quality of life.

“We may be trying to figure out if we can get our pensions back and have a living wage so that the younger generation can buy houses and have children and do all the things they need to do and the older generation can rest easy,” says machinist Jena Weflen.

Although the vote is largely formal in nature, it can give the union a new negotiating tool.

“It gives the bargaining committee more power and sends a strong signal,” local union president Jon Holden said of the vote in an interview in June.

The vote could, for example, free up funds if members later decide to go on strike, he added.

North American unions have taken advantage of the tight labor market to negotiate generous wage agreements. Pilots, auto workers and others have been able to secure substantial pay increases. Members of the Boeing Machinist Union hope they will get the same.

“But if the contract offer is not acceptable and the demands are not adequately met, we will strike … for as long as it takes,” McIntyre said.

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Boeing issued a statement before the vote that said, in part, “We remain confident that we can reach an agreement that balances the needs of our employees and the business realities we face as a company.”

The results of the vote are expected to be released sometime Thursday morning.

James Lynch is a reporter at KIRO Newsradio. Read more of James’ stories here. Follow James on Xor send him an email here.

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