
Why is Michigan such a politically contested state? Experts explain

Why is Michigan such a politically contested state? Experts explain

A look at Michigan’s key role in the 2024 presidential election

A look at Michigan’s key role in the 2024 presidential election


(CBS) — Michigan has already experienced both President Joe Biden And former President Donald Trump during her 2024 presidential campaign, and the state will see her one more time before voters choose a winner. Campaign experts tell CBS News Detroit the reason for the high level of political activity in the state is simple.

“Michigan is an important place in presidential politics because we are a 50-50 state. Our electoral competition is incredibly fierce,” says David Dulio, a professor of political science at Oakland University.

Dulio said Michigan’s competitiveness is based on a combination of different geographic, demographic and population factors.

“The political views couldn’t be more different,” Dulio said. “I mean, the city of Detroit is heavily Democratic and the UP is heavily Republican, and that’s not to say there aren’t any members of the other party in either of those places. But if you add up everyone in the state, it’s about 50-50.”

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Not to mention Michigan’s 13 electoral votes that are up for grabs for our state’s winner. Michigan State University professor Matt Grossman said that Michigan, among other swing statesWisconsin and Pennsylvania, could create a scenario like we have never seen before.

“There are scenarios where there could be a tie in the Electoral College,” he said.

According to Grossmann, it will depend on the swing states in the Midwest and Northeast, as well as a very contested congressional district in Nebraska, which could lead to a tie.

“Every vote in the Electoral College could matter,” he said.