
In Marvel’s next Iron Man series, Tony Stark will “play dirty” and build a powerful new armor – Comic and superhero movie news

In Marvel’s next Iron Man series, Tony Stark will “play dirty” and build a powerful new armor – Comic and superhero movie news

Iron Man is getting a new Marvel Comics series this October.

Following the conclusion of the Invincible Iron Man series written by Gerry Duggan, Tony Stark begins his next adventure in a new series written by Spencer Ackerman (Waller vs. Wildstorm) and illustrated by Julius Ohta (Alien, Hellverine).

What is Marvel’s new Iron Man series about?

“Tony Stark is back on top, having regained control of his company, his armor, and his confidence,” announced Marvel Comics. “He’s determined to never be at the bottom again. So when familiar threats like Roxxon and AIM resurface, they’ll face an Iron Man who’s more than ready to fight back, use dirty tricks, and use his wits to bring them down! When the best of his own technology fails him, Tony will build a brand new suit of armor, the likes of which has never been seen in its 60-plus year history. Fans will see the ‘Improvised Iron Man’ assembled over the course of the series as Tony does what he does best – tinkering with it and improving it to withstand whatever the world throws at him. The series will also introduce a new Iron Monger, complete with a mysteriously powered new suit of armor…”

Check out Yasmine Putri’s Iron Man #1 cover, Sumit Kumar’s alternate cover, and Ohta’s armor designs below:

In Marvel's next Iron Man series, Tony Stark will
In Marvel's next Iron Man series, Tony Stark will
In Marvel's next Iron Man series, Tony Stark will

“Winning a Pulitzer Prize is cool and all, but it’s not like writing for Marvel Comics,” Ackerman, who is also a journalist and published a nonfiction book called Reign of Terror in 2021, said of the new series. “And writing Iron Man is a very special dream come true. Many of the best comic book writers have used Iron Man to tell great stories about safety and freedom – with plenty of superhero action, of course – and I can’t wait to build on their legacy.”

He added: “In my day job as a national security reporter, I’ve covered the real-world equivalents of the Stark Expo, seen experimental weapons in action, observed their effects on people, and followed the enormous wealth they generate for a select few. Tony is struggling with challenges – and will surely continue to struggle with challenges – that I’ve been covering for years. Only now can I write about them the way I’ve always wanted to: in a superhero universe!”

Iron Man #1 will be released on October 23, 2024 by Marvel Comics.

Source: Marvel