
LCBO Strike – Casual

LCBO Strike – Casual

Key Highlights of our survey contain

  • A large majority of Ontarians (89%) have heard of the ongoing strike at the LCBO. Ontarians ages 55 and older (97%) are more likely to have heard of the strike, while Ontarians ages 18 to 34 are more likely to have not heard of it (78%).
  • Less than one in five Ontarians (15%) feel that the strike affects them personally.
  • Of Ontarians who normally purchase alcohol, one-third (32%) have sought alternative places to purchase alcohol because of the strike, and 15% are concerned about having to spend more money on alcohol during the strike. This proportion is higher among respondents aged 18-34 (24%).
  • Half of Ontario residents (49%) support the union’s goals, which include wage increases and more permanent employment.
  • Less than a third (29%) of Ontarians believe the Ontario government should intervene in this strike as soon as possible.


This web survey was conducted July 12-14, 2024, with 601 Ontarians ages 18 and older randomly selected from LEO’s online panel. A margin of error cannot be associated with a panel survey versus a non-probabilistic sample.

For comparison purposes, for a probability sample of this size, the margin of error for the Ontario sample is ±4.08% or less (19 out of 20 cases).