
Paintings by Nigerian artist Stephen Aragbada featured in Netflix hit series Supacell

Paintings by Nigerian artist Stephen Aragbada featured in Netflix hit series Supacell

The painting featured in the Supacell series is titled “Secret”. “Secret” depicts an intimate scene between two people with dark skin. The central focus is on the close embrace and the gesture of one person gently placing their hand on the other’s shoulder and whispering something in her ear while covering her mouth. The colorful, polka dot dresses add a touch of playfulness and humor to the composition.

The choice of clothing for the figures and the bold, contrasting colors create a visually appealing and interesting aesthetic. The gestures and touches suggest a deep personal connection and a moment of bonding and synergy. This physical touch conveys a feeling of care, security and intimacy between the two people.

The background of the painting is a rich purple and has a bright moon that contrasts with the figures and highlights time and the moment. The silent, almost somber quality of the background creates a sense of privacy and isolation, further emphasizing the intimate nature of the moment depicted. The title ‘Secret’ implies that this is a private moment where the two people are having a confidential conversation. This creates a sense of mystery and intrigue, inviting the viewer to ponder the nature of their relationship and the story behind the scene.

Overall, the painting is a captivating and visually striking depiction of an intimate and private moment between two people. Movements, body language and choice of color combine to create a powerful and emotional work that explores themes of love, connection and the precious private moments people share with each other.

More works by Stephen Aragbada can be seen here:

Main image: Secrets, Stephen Aragbada