
The singer of yesterday’s HR Derby anthem admits that she was a little drunk and will go to rehab

The singer of yesterday’s HR Derby anthem admits that she was a little drunk and will go to rehab

In case you missed it, last night a wonderful singer called Ingrid Andress completely botched the national anthem before the HR Derby, rivaling Fergie’s as the worst anthem ever performed on television.

Today she made a statement about it and it is the most understandable explanation ever: She is not a bad singer, the girl was just DRUNK.

Which one of us?! I love that line. She’s simply admitting that she had a few too many drinks before going on stage and completely messed it up. Everyone has done it. A few too many drinks before a first date, a presentation at work, a job interview, the Barstool Rundown – you name it. It’s a delicate balance between a few drinks to calm your nerves and enough to make you squeal like a pig during the national anthem.

Now, I don’t want to say that some of that statement is basic PR knowledge, but rehab? If she really does have a drinking problem, I hope she gets the help she needs. If some manager told her to put that in the statement to get sympathy, it’s completely unnecessary. So what, she got a little drunk on TV, tomorrow nobody will care. Plus, the rest of the statement is so good (and honestly I don’t think many people really care, it was just a funny moment) that they didn’t have to go through the whole PR grind. But if she’s actually hitting the bottle from sunrise to sunset, it’s good that she’s getting treatment. Plus, the “I heard it’s super fun” added made me laugh. I didn’t know anything about Ingrid before last night, and now she’s a superstar in my eyes.

If MLB had a brain, they’d already book her for next year’s Anthem. Big redemption tour. Need to give her another chance. Easy move, hopefully MLB is already on board.