
Local Economic Action Committee springs into action after Beryl | News

Local Economic Action Committee springs into action after Beryl | News

After Hurricane Beryl hit Matagorda County last week, residents are trying to move on.

The massive storm left many people with huge piles of rubble and damage and the will to start over.

Given the level of destruction in the community, the local Gulf Coast Economic Action Committee (EAC) has worked especially hard to provide meals, transportation and a place to cool off for the elderly.

Kristie Pustejovsky, executive director of EAC, leads the organization that provides essential services for seniors.

“We had to close on Monday and Tuesday when Hurricane Beryl hit, but we immediately reopened on Wednesday, resumed food delivery and provided seniors with a safe place to cool off during the day,” Pustejovsky said.

EAC Beryl

Seniors can take advantage of the EAC Senior Center while power is restored throughout Matagorda County.

Some seniors have been without power for over a week and are grateful for the opportunity to get some relief.

John Landriault, a senior citizen who regularly visits the center, said he was happy to be able to cool off at the center during the day.

“It’s so hot at my house and the lights have been out for a while, but I can come here and eat, hang out with people and stay in the air-conditioned environment,” Landriault said. “My daughter takes me there in the mornings and I’m thankful that this place exists because everyone’s lights are out because of this hurricane and I just can’t stand it in this heat.”

Landriault said his son-in-law recently died of a heat-related illness, so it was even more important for him to have a cool place to stay during the day.

Like Landriault, other seniors take advantage of the center’s daytime hours to enjoy a good meal and socialize outside the heat.

The EAC also provides support to the community in the form of grants for incidental expenses and distribution of donations where available.

“I was able to arrange for 70 ventilators to be donated to distribute to those in need, and I am also waiting on a $5,000 check from TXU to distribute food to those who are eligible, have lost food, or are in need of it,” Pustejovsky said. “We are working on the logistics right now and should have an idea of ​​how we will do that later today. We also plan to go to Sargent in the near future to help with food stamps.”

Some EAC employees still do not have electricity at home, but they are still committed to helping seniors in the community.

“We still have employees without lights, but we continue to help those in need,” Pustejovsky said. “We will help everyone within our means.”

The EAC Senior Center is located at 904 Whitson Street in Bay City and is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and offers meals, fitness classes, bingo, arts and crafts and games for seniors.
