
Biden goes to war with the Supreme Court after the ethics scandals involving Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito

Biden goes to war with the Supreme Court after the ethics scandals involving Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito

According to multiple reports, President Joe Biden plans to announce comprehensive reforms to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.

The president plans to propose legislation that would impose term limits on judges and a code of ethics for judges. The Washington Post was reported, citing two anonymous sources familiar with the matter.

Biden announced the changes during a Zoom call with members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Saturday, July 13.

“I don’t want to announce it too quickly – but I will soon be presenting an important initiative to limit the court,” Biden said, according to a transcript of the call provided to the post.

The president said he has been working with “constitutional lawyers” on possible changes to the Supreme Court for the past three months. This means that Biden’s office had already been working on these changes before the Supreme Court made the controversial decision to protect former President Donald Trump from criminal prosecution for “official acts” performed while in office.

Biden strongly condemned the court’s decision on July 1, but declined to answer questions from reporters at a press conference the same day.

It is unclear when exactly Biden plans to announce this law to the public. The White House did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Beast.

Biden may be looking for more momentum for the Democratic National Convention in August as members of his own party continue to pressure him to drop out of the race following his lackluster performance in the debate with Trump – who was officially named the Republican nominee on Monday.

Biden’s push for term limits and an enforceable ethics code for judges has drawn criticism from Democrats after Judge Clarence Thomas concealed that he had taken luxurious vacations in Bali and stayed at a mansion owned by billionaire and conservative donor Harlan Crow in 2019. ProPublica first reported on these cases in 2023.

Thomas finally admitted to the trips in June, but claimed they were “inadvertently omitted” from his earlier disclosure reports.

In early June, Judge Samuel Alito also came under criticism for allegedly raising the “Appeal to Heaven” flag and an upside-down American flag at his homes in New Jersey and Virginia – both symbols that have been used by right-wing extremist movements in recent years.