
Love horoscopes improve relationships for every zodiac sign on July 17, 2024

Love horoscopes improve relationships for every zodiac sign on July 17, 2024

It can be tempting to think that once you get past the initial phase of getting to know each other, you have a complete picture of who your partner is. But this mentality often leads to problems later on when your partner changes in your eyes and behaves differently than the first version of themselves you met.

No one is ever a finished product, at least not if they’re lucky. This means that while you may feel a soul mate connection with your partner, you should never stop trying to figure out who they are and what makes them tick.

The more space you make for the ongoing process of getting to know each other, the more adaptable you’ll be in moments of change or even growth. By embracing this energetic influence as the Cancer sun connects with Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, July 17, you can build a deeper relationship with your partner, embrace recent periods of transformation—and find an even deeper love than you once thought possible.

The love horoscope of each zodiac sign for July 17, 2024:



While it’s important to make room for the changes your partner will go through, Aries, it’s also important to do the same for yourself. In this case, it may not be because your partner has changed dramatically or even changed their attitude toward love, but because you’re going through your own phase.

Try to move on, Aries, no matter how difficult it may be. Let go of the old version of yourself, because that will make all the difference in your relationship.

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Just because your partner isn’t who you thought they were doesn’t mean that’s a negative, Taurus. You may need to spend more time thinking about what you need, a certain version of your partner to be, especially since it won’t affect the relationship you’ve built.

Everyone is allowed to change and grow, including your partner – and you. But the more you can continue to ensure your own security and stability, the better you will be able to love your partner, no matter what stage he or she is in.

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You can’t approach matters of the heart with different rules for you and your partner, Gemini. You love adaptability, changing your mind and going where the wind blows.

However, when your partner behaves the same way, you feel insulted, as if they are not allowed to be different than what you expect them to be. This doesn’t have to be the end of love, especially if it can help you appreciate the connection you have. Instead, realize how well you and your partner fit together.

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Experiment with this new version of yourself, dear Cancer. Embrace the journey as you realize that you can become anything you want or feel called to be.

Don’t try to force yourself into a certain role, because that’s not where you’ll find the love you long for. Nurture your close friendships, enjoy your life, and see every minute as an opportunity to learn more about who you really are.

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When you change your attitude toward love, Leo, the love you receive changes too. You need a different kind of relationship than you have had in years past, but you still seem confused about what that actually means for you.

Instead of ignoring these feelings, explore new avenues and find what feels best for you. When you enjoy what resonates with your soul, you will have the greatest luck in finding a love that is right for you.

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Explore what you’re most attracted to, Virgo. This is an incredibly exciting and exuberant time in your life and also in your relationship, but you’ll need to break away from previous plans or even the old comfort zone.

Focus more on creating your life the way you want to feel, including happiness. The more you can allow yourself to simply be happy, the more miracles you will attract, which may be exactly the change you’ve been needing in your relationship.

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Make sure you are compatible with your partner, Libra, and don’t necessarily give up anything for them. There are many opportunities coming your way, but you need to make sure you are able to take advantage of them.

Don’t build your life around someone else, but instead focus on building the healthiest partnership you can. Not only can space fuel your individual dreams, but it can also foster a deeper sense of intimacy.

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You are being instructed to explore romantic possibilities in the same way you have been doing the rest of your life, Scorpio. Allow yourself to change your routine and even your mindset so you don’t miss out on what is to come into your life.

You don’t have to know where this is going right away, but if you embrace the process and are open to new developments in love, you will experience more of what you’ve been dreaming of. Enjoy this new chapter, Scorpio, because it’s exactly what you’ve been working so hard for.

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The small changes you make today, Sagittarius, will have long-term effects. But this is about making a positive change in your life so you can feel better about the choices you make in your relationship.

Take time today to do what you need to feel your best, and even keep a journal of what you need in your romantic relationship. Adapting to change requires being aware that you may want something different than you used to, and growth means acknowledging that.

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If wedding bells aren’t ringing yet, Capricorn, it’s only a matter of time. You may change your mind about wanting to get married or even want to commit more to your current relationship.

When you’re truly in love, past fears no longer matter. Follow your heart today, and whether it’s through conversation or proposing, honor the changes that have brought you to this moment.

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You need to feel like your home is your sanctuary from the world, Aquarius. That means not only do you need to feel safe and surrounded by comfortable furniture, but you also need to feel comfortable in your romantic relationship.

Try to embrace these feelings instead of avoiding them so that you can focus more on what needs to be done and feel good not only in your home but also in your romantic relationship.

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The most beautiful changes happen when you least expect them, dear Pisces. In your heart, you have chosen a special romantic connection, but it seems like some fears have been creeping in lately.

Try to continue to be vulnerable, express your truth, and be specific about what you want from this relationship. While fears are normal, you may be pleasantly surprised to hear that your partner is on the same page.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.