
Argentine players criticized for singing “racist song about France”

Argentine players criticized for singing “racist song about France”


The Argentina national football team may face disciplinary action after players were recorded singing a racist and derogatory song about France during celebrations on the team bus after winning the 2024 Copa América final.

The French Football Federation released a statement on Tuesday announcing its intention to file a lawsuit and involve FIFA.

“The President of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo, strongly condemns the unacceptable racist and discriminatory comments against the players of the French team in the context of a song sung by players and fans of the Argentine team after their victory in the Copa America and shared on social networks,” the statement said.

“Given the seriousness of these shocking remarks, which are contrary to the values ​​of sport and human rights, the President of the FFF has decided to directly request his Argentine counterpart and FIFA to file a complaint for offensive remarks of a racist and discriminatory nature.”‘

Argentine midfielder Enzo Fernandez was live-streaming his team’s Copa America title celebrations early Monday morning before a teammate shouted at him to stop the recording.

The Argentine Football Association has not yet commented on the French statement or on the players singing the song.

Argentina defeated Colombia to win the 2024 Copa America and France in the 2022 World Cup final.