
Boeing engineers: Vote YES to the strike! Form action committees to enforce the will of the members!

Boeing engineers: Vote YES to the strike! Form action committees to enforce the will of the members!

The World Socialist Website calls on the more than 33,000 Boeing machinists in Washington and Oregon to vote “YES” today to authorize a strike with the largest possible majority.

Two Boeing Co. machinists sit next to a burn barrel as they protest outside a gate to Boeing’s massive manufacturing plant in Everett, Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson (AP))

But that is only the first step. Workers must organize immediately to enforce the result of their vote and overcome any attempt by the International Association of Machinists bureaucracy to ignore the will of the members and keep the workers employed after the contract expires. If all of the workers’ demands are not met by September 12, a strike must take place that will completely shut down all production, including that of the non-union plant in South Carolina.

The fight at Boeing, a textbook example of corporate criminality, must become the spearhead of an offensive by the entire working class to defend its interests. Boeing workers must appeal to the broadest possible support of the working class throughout the Pacific Northwest, the United States and the world.

Boeing wants to force workers to pay the cost of its criminal negligence. The company’s shares have fallen more than 27 percent, or $41.5 billion, since the beginning of the year. The aerospace giant is refusing to restore its machinists’ pensions and grant wage increases to make up for more than a decade of stagnation and decline due to inflation.

Boeing is also refusing to accept one of the main demands made by workers on behalf of passengers: the restoration of the hundreds of quality and safety jobs that Boeing has eliminated over the past decade. The company’s stance during the labor negotiations belies any public claims by management that it cares at all about “quality” or “safety” when they stand in the way of corporate profits.

The International Labor Alliance of Laborers is calling on Boeing workers to take matters into their own hands. The decades of concessions made by the IAM, which have led to massive job losses, destruction of workers’ livelihoods, and unsafe conditions, can only be reversed by decisive action by the workers themselves. A strike led by rank-and-file workers would garner tremendous support from workers across the U.S. and internationally, including from Airbus workers facing tens of thousands of layoffs.

Against the war and the two corporate parties

Boeing workers are fighting not only against the corporation, but also against the Biden administration and the two parties controlled by the corporations. Boeing is a major defense contractor that produces F-15 fighter jets, V-22 attack helicopters and B-52 bombers. A strike would be a major blow to the White House’s continued support for Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and for American imperialism’s rapidly escalating military confrontations with Russia and China.