
After the murder of a 14-year-old, neighbors express fear that gun violence will also claim younger victims

After the murder of a 14-year-old, neighbors express fear that gun violence will also claim younger victims

SAN ANTONIO – A 14-year-old boy was gunned down outside his home in the southeastern United States late Monday night, prompting neighbors to say they believe victims of gun violence are getting younger as time goes by.

Neighbors told us that it was alarming enough to know there was gun violence on their street, but even more disturbing was that they felt the victims of gun violence were getting younger and younger as time went on.

“I could hear his sister screaming and that stuck with me all night. I can hear her voice, it’s just traumatizing, you know what I mean?” said a woman who wished to remain anonymous.

Terror and suffering is what gun violence caused in the southeast neighborhood Monday night, the woman said. The neighbor, who is also a mother, said she was shocked to learn it was a 14-year-old boy who was shot and killed in front of his home.

“When you consider that the victims around us are getting younger and younger. They are getting younger and younger and that is a mother’s worst fear, I think, to lose her baby like that. It is so senseless,” the woman said.

Her concerns were shared by Michael Simpson, who lives on the same street. Equally concerning, Simpson said, is that the shooter may have been a minor.

“If they want a gun, they’ll find one or mysteriously get one, and I think that applies to everyone, you know? Guns are for hunting, not for killing,” Simpson said.

We reached out to the San Antonio Police Department and the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office and asked for the ages of all murder victims over the past three years. Both agencies told us the data was not readily available because victims’ data was not collected as thoroughly as defendants’ data.

SAPD sent us a statement which reads in part:

“We advise parents Monitor your child for any change in behavior that may be suspicious or unusual. Although it is ultimately the parent’s decision, calling the police or seeking counseling services are options for a child who may be involved in risky or violent activities.”

Simpson believes the city and police could also help reduce the number of guns on the streets by conducting more buybacks.

“Maybe offer the kids money for the guns, hand them over, pay them good money and see if they can stay out of trouble that way,” Simpson said.

Neighbors also told us they hoped more patrols in the area would help curb gun violence.