
Is The Responder returning for season 3? News on where Chris stands after the finale

Is The Responder returning for season 3? News on where Chris stands after the finale

Chris Carson (Martin Freeman) tries to improve – at work and privately – in The respondent Season 2. But as we see from the first two episodes already streaming on BritBox (two more will be released on July 18 and 25), it’s not that simple.

He wants a day job so he can get out of working the night shift and spend more time with his daughter, but that’s not possible. (He lies to his ex and says he already has it. She finds out the truth, of course.) He may have a way to get it, but it means he has to do something shady for Debs (Amaka Okafor), which only leads to him and Rachel (Adelayo Adedayo) getting into a lot of trouble and owing money to the wrong person; they have to get drugs for Jodie (Faye McKeever) to get money. So things can only get up from here for Chris…or can they?

TV Insider spoke with Freeman and writer Tony Schumacher about Chris’ journey this season, and their comments at the end of the season make it sound like that could actually be the case.

“I think (Season 2) leaves Chris in a position where he feels like he has hope,” Schumacher teased. “I hate when characters want to learn something about themselves, but I really think Chris learned something about himself in a way that gives him hope. In fact, I think Chris and Rachel are both in that situation. I think they’re both more comfortable with themselves by the end of the show.”

Freeman added: “He made a decision he didn’t expect. I don’t think the audience expects that either.”

Will there be another season after this one? Freeman and Schumacher have not ruled it out, but have not yet said a definitive yes.

“I think we both deserve a little break,” the author admitted. “I think Martin and I both deserve a little break, but listen, we’ve become good friends during this time and we talk about Chris and we talk about Respondent a lot. So who knows? You just don’t know.”

Freeman agreed, saying he’ll see how fans react to this season. If it’s well-received, then hopefully it will be. “I know Tony and I are both incredibly proud of it and I’m proud of the work that everyone has done, but I want to do it again when and if the time is right,” he said.

And if there is a third season, Freeman knows what he wants to see: Schumacher’s cameo. “You write it yourself,” he told him.

But the writer disagreed. “I think if that happened, there would definitely be no season four. I think we could write off season 4. I’m in the show briefly,” he stressed. “You hear my voice in seasons 1 and 2.” He’s not worried about coming up with a story if the series continues. “There are so many things. Society is changing so much and so quickly, and I’m fascinated by how the world turns, and so if we were to do it again, I don’t think we’d ever run out of topics to tackle.”

What do you think of The respondent? Do you want it to continue after season 2? Let us know in the comments section below.

The respondentThursdays, BritBox