
THE WAR AGAINST CHILDREN – Movieguide | Film reviews for families | THE WAR AGAINST CHILDREN – Movieguide

THE WAR AGAINST CHILDREN – Movieguide | Film reviews for families | THE WAR AGAINST CHILDREN – Movieguide

THE WAR ON CHILDREN exposes the tactics of the media, culture, fringe groups and even public schools to brainwash children into accepting the “woke” ideology of the LGBT movement. The film contains frank discussions of sexual deviance, abuse, human trafficking, gender mutilation, homosexual behavior, pedophilia and sexual obsession. However, sexual immorality is clearly rebuked. The film traces the roots of “woke” culture back to Alfred Kinsey, the sex offender and sex researcher, Hugh Hefner, the founder of PLAYBOY, and sex education activist Maria Calderone. Finally, THE WAR ON CHILDREN calls on parents to fight for their children. Sadly, the film finds that “woke” culture is winning so far.

THE WAR ON CHILDREN is very informative, but long and somewhat disorganized. The film has a strong Christian worldview and condemns woke culture. However, it is difficult to watch. It contains many disturbing images of cross-dressing men engaging in animalistic sexual behavior. The frank dialogue deals with disturbing themes. There is also some omitted profanity. Therefore, MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution. Nevertheless, THE WAR ON CHILDREN encourages viewers, especially parents, to stand up and take a stand against woke culture.

(CCC, BBB, LL, V, S, NN, M):

Dominant worldview and other ideological content/elements:

Strong Christian and Biblical worldview;

Swear words:

“F” word, many partially hidden obscenities and swear words;


Dialogue on experimentation on children in a procedure called ‘sex reassignment’, which includes physical mutilation, as well as discussion on physical abuse, sex trafficking of minors and rape;


Repeated images of “drag queens” in women’s clothing, sometimes scantily clad, and frank discussions of sexual deviance, abuse, human trafficking, sex mutilation, homosexual behavior, pedophilia and sexual obsession, but sexual immorality is rebuked;


Several images of partially clothed drag queens, bare torsos of women and men, men dressing up as cross-dressers with bare butts;

Alcohol consumption:

No alcohol consumption;

Smoking and/or drug use and abuse:

Do not smoke or take drugs; and,

Various immoralities:

Selfish behavior is rebuked, illicit and perverse sexuality is rebuked, dysfunctional family situations are mentioned but rebuked and warned against, and abuse by the medical and pharmaceutical community is rebuked.

THE WAR ON CHILDREN is an expose of the tactics used by the media, culture, and even the public school system to brainwash children into accepting the woke ideology of gender confusion and sex transition without parental permission, sexual promiscuity and deviance, and the forced acceptance of destructive and abusive immorality. Although the documentary attempts to convey ideas about how to fight for the future of our children, most of its two hours and twenty minutes focuses on how woke culture is winning. There are many disturbing repeated images of drag queens behaving in animalistic sexual ways, some swearing, including the “F” word, and there is frank dialogue about sexual deviance, human trafficking, gender mutilation, and pedophilia. Extreme caution is advised for adults.

In THE WAR ON CHILDREN, Robby and Landon Starbuck take viewers through a series of interviews that cover topics surrounding the indoctrination of children by woke culture. Robby is a music video director and producer and has worked with Snoop Dog, Megadeath, and Yellowcard. His wife, Landon, is a singer and founder of Freedom Forever, an advocacy group that fights against child abuse, exploitation, and human trafficking. They point out that there are no protections for children on social media platforms. Many platforms are targeted at children, they add. Additionally, pornographic content is even sent to children, and most pornographic websites do not enforce age requirements or age verification.

Unsupervised social media use by children is linked to bullying, depression, anxiety, moral decay, suicide and gender identity disorder, the film says. Sex traffickers who buy and sell children often operate through social media. Most parents are in the dark until the damage is done.

The film shows that deviant behavior is protected and even encouraged by “woke” culture. What was almost exclusively considered a mental illness throughout human history is now being publicly propagated. “Transgender” children are given a special status. Anyone who objects is intimidated, harassed and even punished by local and state authorities.

Currently, the Biden administration is also promoting “woke culture” as well as local public schools and some private schools as well. Many public schools undermine parental rights and in many cases use state facilities to separate children from their parents. In fact, some states, such as Colorado and California, accept children from other states seeking gender reassignment surgery without their parents’ consent.

THE WAR IN CHIKDREN traces the roots of current woke culture back to Alfred Kinsey, Hugh Hefner and Mary Calderone.

In the 1930s, Kinsey was a sex offender who conducted sexual experiments on children for research purposes. He concluded that humans are sexual beings from the beginning. Kinsey reached the “scientific” conclusion that 90% of men commit adultery and have homosexual tendencies. He interviewed prisoners, many of them pedophiles, to support this conclusion. In 1953, Hugh Hefner founded PLAYBOY magazine, which normalized pornography. was the founder of Playboy and the man who normalized pornography. When the idea that humans are sexual beings became a widely accepted concept, it opened the doors for further deviant behavior. Mary Calderone, a representative of Planned Parenthood, was a major advocate of sex education in the 1960s. In 1964, she founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). SIECUS now supports and finances “sex reassignment” operations for children.

The documentary interviews a woman whose daughter was taking sex reassignment classes at school without her mother’s knowledge. Her daughter attempted suicide twice. The state took the girl away from her mother because she did not want to call her daughter her son. During her sex reassignment treatment at a group home, the young girl jumped in front of a train and committed suicide. Another young woman was interviewed who describes herself as reassigned. She was given a drug called Lupron when she was just 12 years old. Lupron was previously used as a castration drug for prisoners. It was never approved for sex reassignment treatments or any other treatments. At 13, the girl had a bilateral mastectomy. Now that she is an adult, she recognizes the abuse that was done to her without her being able to understand it enough to truly consent. The damage is irreparable.

These are just a few stories of the many children who think they are “in the wrong body.” Instead of treating the emotional issues that may be leading to these destructive thoughts, local and state authorities forcibly take these children away from their parents and use them for sex reassignment experiments.

Olympic swimming champion Riley Gaines is against the inclusion of trans women in the sport after she was cheated out of her winner’s medal when 6’4″ “trans woman” Lia Thomas took first place. She was told Thomas would get the medal because he needed the photo shoot. Gaines called the event “mental rape” and claims that men competing in women’s sports is a movement whose goal is to erase women in sport and make women irrelevant in general. Gaines is also upset that Thomas was allowed to enter the women’s locker room naked, without warning, consent, or regard for women’s “safe” space and privacy. Women’s rights are being left by the wayside in favor of providing safe spaces for a few sheltered male individuals.

Media and public school propaganda promoting LGBT behavior has led to a frightening increase in the number of children questioning their sexual identity in recent years. In addition to drug company experiments that recruit children as lifelong patients and a confused culture, another explanation may be the use of chemicals found in our food and water. One common chemical found in non-organic food and water is atrazine. Scientific studies have shown that male frogs given atrazine exhibited homosexual behavior and in some cases even laid eggs.

Starbucks is a compelling cause for concern. Our future is at stake. There are some positive messages about the need to return to God and obey His laws. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This has been the law of nature since the beginning of time. This message is confirmed in Matthew 19:4. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus further emphasizes how special children are to God, our heavenly Father: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” In Matthew 18:6, Jesus gives a strong protective command for children: “But if anyone causes these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the bottom of the sea.”

We also need to return to common sense, good psychology, reliable science and healthy family life. If that is not possible, could we agree to simply protect our children until they are old enough to decide for themselves? Parents must fight for their children. Children of divorced parents are much better off when both parents work together to protect their children.

THE WAR ON CHILDREN explicitly calls on fathers to stand up and fight for their children. The documentary is very informative, but very long and somewhat disorganized. The music is overwhelming and serves more as a distraction than a help. Overall, however, the documentary THE WAR ON CHILDREN is worth watching and conveys a positive Christian, biblical worldview. It is, however, difficult to watch. MOVIEGUIDE® strongly advises caution.