
Read “Long Island Compromise” with the New York Book Club

Read “Long Island Compromise” with the New York Book Club

Photo: Courtesy of the publisher

Ah, sweet, hot summer! ‘Tis the season to take a gripping novel to the beach – or to curl up with one in the privacy of your (hopefully) air-conditioned home. So, of course, we’re bringing back our seasonal pop-up newsletter, Beach Reading Book Club.

This time we discuss Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s Long Island Compromisea novel that seems to ask: “What if Successionbut for a super-rich family on – you guessed it – Long Island?” The film begins with the father’s kidnapping in his driveway and explores the aftermath of that trauma in the years that follow.

From Wednesday, August 14, a group of new YorkThe authors and editors of will analyze the book in five weekly newsletters. We will also publish—and answer—reader questions and comments in each issue! And all readers of our newsletter will receive an exclusive discount code from our partners at

We really hope you’ll join in – sign up below!