
Ramona Singer in her training outfit says: “Who doesn’t love a great walk on the beach?”

Ramona Singer in her training outfit says: “Who doesn’t love a great walk on the beach?”

The Real Housewives of New York Star Ramona Singer is enjoying the summer season at her home in the Hamptons, even though the skies are grey instead of sunshine. Singer, 67, shared a picture of herself posing in the sand in front of a dramatic ocean view in orange leggings and a white tank top. “Who doesn’t love a great walk on the beach?!?” she captioned the post. Singer is thriving in her 60s – here’s how she stays fit, healthy and happy.

Singer leads a very active lifestyle, which she continued even during the pandemic lockdowns. “Because of my Lyme disease, I have to listen to my body. That’s why I try to walk between three and four miles on the beach every day,” she said Hollywood Life. “Or I’ll walk a mile or two on the beach and then I’ll do an intercostal walk. I also have the dumbbells here in Boca. So yeah, I’m still working out, eating healthy and I haven’t gained any weight.”

Singer’s nutritionist, Dr. Daryl Gioffre, put her on an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of healthy fats. She eats three meals a day and doesn’t snack in between. “Oatmeal is something Ramona really enjoys. It’s not about cutting it out, but about when you can incorporate better alternatives,” says Gioffre. Bravo TV. “For example, chia pudding or quinoa bowls. Instead of dairy, things like nut milk. It’s really about identifying foods in the typical American diet that most of us think are actually healthy, but that actually worsen inflammation in the body.”

Singer has a very close bond with her daughter Avery. “She said to me, ‘Mom, do you think everyone in college calls their mom every day? Nobody does. Maybe once a week or once every two weeks.’ We called each other every day and FaceTimed each other when she went to class,” she said. shine. “Even now I see her once a week. We usually have dinner together as a family on Mondays or Sundays. I cook for her, her friends, my friends or just for her and me. We always spend time together, so I’m very lucky in that respect.”

Somon Russell/Getty Images

Singer had no problems living with her ex-husband Mario Singer during the pandemic lockdowns. “Mario prepared these great protein shakes for us, which he mixed with fresh vegetables and fruit,” she said shine. “Then I like to take a shower and do my hair. I do my skincare routine, which is just Ageless by Ramona. I put on light makeup and a little lipstick because I want to look good. I put on a nice workout outfit. We have weights and I do some weight lifting.”


The singer loves pop music and jazz. “My new thing is relaxed jazz, because I like that every now and then,” she said Hollywood Life. “I also play the top hits, for example the top 50 on Spotify. The jazz is pretty good though. I like that because sometimes you don’t want to listen to the crazy music so much.”
