
Ben Stiller comments on the war between Israel and Hamas and the need for peace

Ben Stiller comments on the war between Israel and Hamas and the need for peace

More than nine months after the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, Ben Stiller comments on the war between Israel and Hamas.

In an opinion article published on Thursday by Time Speaking to The 40 Fingers magazine, the Emmy-winning actor explained why he felt compelled to share his stance on the ongoing conflict, the rise of anti-Semitism and the need for global peace. He said he could not ignore “the crisis that is currently at the center of the world.”

“To say nothing at this point feels like betraying my own conscience,” wrote Stiller, who is of Jewish descent. “But what can you say? How do you express complicated and very real feelings in this frightening world of social media, where it seems that every expression of opinion exposes you to online vitriol from one side or the other? The issues we deal with are so nuanced and complicated that brief statements in no way fully express what I want to say from the bottom of my heart.”

The organization has been active as a public advocate for refugees for several years. Zoolander The star admitted that he finds it difficult to reconcile his silence on the matter with this work.

“I mourn for those who suffered from the barbaric Hamas attack on October 7, and for those who have suffered from these atrocities,” Stiller wrote. “My heart aches for the families who lost loved ones in this heinous act of terror, and for those who have been anxiously awaiting the return of the hostages still held captive for months. It is a nightmare. I also mourn for the innocent people of Gaza who lost their lives in this conflict, and for those who are now suffering this horrific reality.”

He continued: “I detest war, but what Hamas did was unconscionable and reprehensible. The hostages must be released. Terrorism must be named and fought by all people of conscience on this planet. There is no excuse for this under any circumstances.”

The tropical thunder The actor added that while he stands “on the side of the Israeli people and their right to live in peace and security,” he does not agree with all of the Israeli government’s decisions regarding its handling of the war.

“I want the violence to end and for the innocent Palestinians affected by the resulting humanitarian crisis to receive the life-saving assistance they need. And I know many in Israel share that sentiment,” Stiller wrote. “I believe, like many people in Israel and around the world, in the need for a two-state solution that ensures the Israeli people can live in peace and security while the Palestinian people have a homeland that offers them the same benefits.”

The Night at the Museum The actor went on to denounce anti-Semitism, which has increased since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. Stiller said he has witnessed a “disturbing conflation of criticism of the Israeli government’s actions with condemnation of all Israelis and Jews,” which has consequently led to an “undeniable rise in global anti-Semitism.”

“I see it myself, on the streets of the city (New York City) where I grew up. It is not right and must be denounced,” Stiller continued in his essay. “Anti-Semitism must be condemned whenever it occurs and wherever it exists. As must Islamophobia and bigotry of all kinds. There is a frightening forgetfulness of history in the air. We must remember that only by learning from the past can we create a more hopeful, just and peaceful future.”

He concluded by saying: “Of course, I am not a politician or a diplomat. I have no solutions to these global conflicts and I claim not to offer any. I think, like so many other people, I am struggling to process all this. But as an advocate for the displaced, I believe this war must end. As I write this, some 120 million people have been displaced by conflict around the world. In the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Sudan and in many other countries. They all deserve to live in safety and peace. Human suffering must end. We must demand this from our leaders. Peace is the only way.”