
Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club working on plans for reconstruction | News, Sports, Jobs – FORT MYERS

Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club working on plans for reconstruction | News, Sports, Jobs – FORT MYERS

This “Beach Bird” tree by the Friends of the Fort Myers Beach Public Library at the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club’s 2019 Christmas Tree Festival. Archive photo NATHAN MAYBERG

The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club is putting together plans and preparing a budget to rebuild its Sterling Avenue clubhouse, which was destroyed by Hurricane Ian.

In an announcement last week, the club said its capital campaign committee is working on designs for a new building. The historic 1938 schoolhouse was ripped from its foundation by Hurricane Ian.

“The historic women’s clubhouse was the island’s first schoolhouse, a dance hall for teenagers and a meeting place for the community,” Dawn Thomas, president of the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club, said, “Built in 1938 as the second beach schoolhouse, the building was used as a school until 1948, when it could no longer accommodate all of the island’s children.”

“Our vision is to create a place where everyone feels comfortable on Fort Myers Beach,” Thomas said this in an announcement sent through the organization’s monthly newsletter.

“We are designing the clubhouse so that nonprofit organizations can use our facility as office and storage space, as well as an event venue. We can also envision residents holding gatherings for friends and family there. The possibilities are endless.” Said Thomas.

Tina Doria tends to the surprise gift wall and raffle during the 2021 Christmas Tree Festival at the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club on Sterling Ave. Amanda Kossack (center) and Susan Kossack (right) of Wisconsin and Fort Myers Beach purchase surprise gifts and raffle tickets. The Woman’s Club is working on plans to rebuild the clubhouse that was destroyed by Hurricane Ian. File photo

“We would like to thank Albert Dambrose of Studio AD for all his hard work and attention to help us create a beautiful building,” Said Thomas. “In addition, we would like to thank Jim Ink of Ink Engineering for donating all of his time to us, and the folks at Seagate for helping us develop the next steps to make this build a reality. Look forward to our exciting announcement coming soon.”